The Wrath of Khan (Film)

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The Wrath of Khan
The Wrath of Khan

The Wrath of Khan
Series Star Trek
Production Number 2
Previous The Motion Picture (ST01)
Next The Search for Spock (ST03)
Released 4 Jun 1982
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Stardate 8130.4: Exiled by Kirk, Khan returns to seek revenge on the man who banished him and his followers to a dying planet 15 years ago.

Image Gallery

Related Data

Astrometrics Altair system; Altair VI; Antares Maelstrom; Beirut; Ceti Alpha system; Ceti Alpha V; Ceti Alpha VI; Copenhagen; Copenhagen Base; Earth; Gamma Hydra system; Genesis Cave; Genesis Planet; Kosygin; Kosygin Base; Mutara Nebula; Nibia; Regula system; Regula moon; Station Regula I; San Francisco; Sol system; starbase; Starfleet Headquarters; Tau Ceti system; Tau Ceti IV; Vulcan
Chronology Prime Timeline: 20th Century; 23rd Century; 1996; 2283; 2284; 2285; Stardate 7130.4; 8130.3-1841.6
Culture Amazing Grace; aphrodisiac; bagpipes; Bible; birthday; bridge (game); checkers; coffin; ego; funeral; games; God; Hell; IDIC; The Inferno; katra; King Lear; Klingon proverbs; Moby Dick; music; nerve pinch; Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Perdition; poetry; prayer; soul; Shakespeare; A Tale of Two Cities; Vulcan language; Vulcan salute
Education doctor; doctorate; medic; nurse; physician; Starfleet Academy; training cruise
Food alcohol; apple; fruit; Romulan Ale
People Dante Alighieri; Beach; Pavel Chekov; Charles Dickens; Albert Einstein; R.M. Green; T. Grodnick; Jedda; Joachim; James T. Kirk; Kyle; Madison; Carol Marcus; David Marcus; Leonard McCoy; Marla McGivers; Charles Melville; John Milton; Isaac Newton; Peter Preston; Saavik; Montgomery Scott; William Shakespeare; Khan Noonien Singh; Spock; Surak; Hikaru Sulu; Clark Terrell; Nyota Uhura; Kojiro Vance; D.E. Wallis
Politics Eugenics Wars; Klingon Empire; Klingon Neutral Zone; military; Organian Peace Treaty; Romulan Neutral Zone; Romulan Star Empire; Starfleet; Starfleet Command; Starfleet Corps of Engineers; Starfleet General Orders (General Order 12, General Order 15); Starfleet Operations; Starfleet Ranks; Starfleet Regulations (Regulation 46A); Starfleet Supply Command; Starfleet Training Command; treaty; United Federation of Planets
Science & Technology airlock; allergy; astrogator; atmosphere; atom; audio receiver; batteries; biometrics; blood; book; bosun's whistle; brain; cerebral cortex; chambers coil; chronometer; Class D planet; communications; communicator; companel; computer; coordinates; craylon; cryogenics; cuirass; distress call; diving helmet; DNA; drydock; dynoscanner; electromagnetic spectrum; entropy; EVA suit; eyeglasses; femtojoule; fermentation; fire extinguisher; galaxy; Genesis Device; Genesis Effect; Genesis Project; Genesis Wave; genetic engineering; geoplastics; grav plating; gravitic mine; gravitronics; gravity; hadron; heading; helmet; impulse drive; Jefferies tube; joule; kilometer; log buoy; mass; matchlock pistol; medicine; meter; metric system; metric ton; microbe; mind meld; moon; moorings; nacelle; navigation; orbit; PADD; phasers (Type 2); photon torpedo; planet; prefix code; pressure gauge; quadrant; radiation; retina; retina scan; Retinax 5; rigor mortis; RNA; sand; sensors; sextant; shields; simulator; singularity; subatomic particles; synthostasis; telepathy; telescope; thermionics; thermodynamics; thermowave multiplexer; thrusters; time (day, hour, minute, month, second, week, year); tranquilizer; transporter; tricorder; Tucker tubes; turbolift; warp core; warp drive; water
Ships & Vehicles S.S. Botany Bay; Constitution II class; DY-100 class; Enterprise class; U.S.S. Enterprise (1775); U.S.S. Enterprise CV-6; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701; H.M.S. Enterprize; escape pod; Hermes class; K't'inga class; S.S. Kobayashi Maru; Miranda class; neutronic fuel carrier; Ptolemy class; U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864; shuttlecraft; travel pod
Xenology Augments; cats; Ceti eels; geese; Humans; hybrids; kittens; Klingons; rats; Romulans; Vulcans
Miscellaneous apartment; Beirut Research; Boy Scouts; bridge; burn center ward; cargo bay; commanding officer; emergency room; intensive care ward; Kobayashi Maru scenario; logs; main engineering; quarters; red alert; shore leave; sickbay; Starfleet Uniforms (2278); torpedo bay; transporter room; yellow alert


Opening Credits

Paramount Pictures Presents

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy
DeForest Kelley

James Doohan
Walter Koenig
George Takei
Nichelle Nichols

Also Starring
Bibi Besch
Merritt Buttrick as David
Paul Winfield as Terrell

Kirstie Alley as Saavik

and Starring
Ricardo Montalban as Khan

Executive Consultant
Gene Roddenberry

Music Composed by
James Horner

Edited by
William P. Dornisch

Production Designer
Joseph R. Jennings

Director of Photography
Gayne Rescher, A.S.C.

Executive Producer
Harve Bennett

Based on Star Trek Created by
Gene Roddenberry

Screenplay by
Jack B. Sowards

Story by
Harve Bennett and Jack B. Sowards

Produced by
Robert Sallin

Directed by
Nicholas Meyer

End Credits


Crew Chief
Bridge Voice
Radio Voice

Associate Producer
William F. Phillips

Costume Designer
Robert Fletcher

Unit Production Manager
Austen Jewell

First Assistant Director
Douglas E. Wise

Second Assistant Director
Richard Espinoza

Art Director
Set Decorator
Camera Operator
First Camera Assistant
Second Camera Assistant
Sound Mixer
Wardrobe Supervisors
Make-Up Artists
Script Supervisor
Special Effects Supervisor
Special Effects
Additional Special Lighting Effects
Best Boy
Best Boy
Key Grip
Second Grip
Dolly Grip
Crane Operator
Property Master
Assitant Property Master
Lead Man
Swing Gang
Construction Coordinator
Set Designers
Graphic Designer
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Captain
Transportation Co-Captain
Stunt Coordinator
Craft Services
Set Security
Unit Publicist
Still Photographer
Assistant Editors
Supervising Sound Editors
Sound Effects Editors
Special Sound Effects
Additional Sound Effects
Loop Editors
Music Editor
Scoring Mixer
Re-Recording Mixers
Technical Advisor
Title Design
Vulcan Translation
Assistant to the Producers

Special Visual Effects Produced at
Industrial Light & Magic, a Division of Lucasfilm Ltd.

Special Visual Effects Supervisors
Effects Cameramen
Camera Operator
Assistant Camera Operators
Optical Photography Supervisor
Optical Printer Operators
Optical Line-Up
Optical Laboratory Technicians
General Manager, ILM
Production Supervisor
Production Coordinator
Matte Painting Artists
Matte Photography
Matte Photography Assistant
Supervising Modelmaker
Model Electronics
Animation Supervisor
Additional Animation
Supervising Effects Editor
Effects Editor
Computer Database Management
Computer Graphics

Brent Watson
Steve McAllister
Neil Harrington
Jeri Panek

Molecular Computer Graphics by
Computer Graphics Laboratory
University of California
San Francisco
Dr. Robert Langridge

Still Photographer
Still Lab Technicians
Supervising Stage Technician
Stage Technicians
Equipment Coordinator
Ultra High Speed Camera
Assistant to Tom Smith
Travel Arrangements

Grateful Acknowledgement is Made to
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Video Displays by The Burbank Studios
Video Supervisor Hal Landaker
Chief Engineer Alan Landaker

Additional Computer Graphics Furnished by
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Additional Optical Effects by
Modern Film Effects

Theme from Star Trek Television Series
Music by Alexander Courage

Filmed in Panavision

Sound by Glen Glenn

Color by Movielab


Comic Adaptation

Part 1

Issue 1
Part 1 cover

Part 1 cover

Part 2

Issue 2
Part 2 cover A

Part 2 cover A
Issue 2 cover B

Issue 2 cover B

Part 3

Issue 3
Part 3 cover

Part 3 cover