The Motion Picture (Film)

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Series Star Trek
Production Number 1
Next The Wrath of Khan (ST02)
Released 7 Dec 1979
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Stardate 7410.2: A mysterious entity threatens to destroy Earth, while Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise are recalled to help save the planet

Image Gallery

Related Data

Astrometrics Delta IV; Earth; Epsilon IX station; Golden Gate Bridge; Jupiter; Luna; machine planet; Milky Way galaxy; orbital office complex; Quasar 7; San Francisco; Sol system; Starfleet Headquarters; T'Khut; Transamerica Pyramid; Vulcan
Chronology Prime Timeline: 1970s; 2270; 2271; 2273; Stardate 7410.2-7414.1
Culture celibacy; games; God; gods; Hell; Klingon language; Kolinahr; light cube table; Native Americans; poker; Russians; Scots; Vulcan language
Education doctor; doctorate; nurse; physician
Food coffee
People Airlock Technician; Alien Ensign; Branch; Christine Chapel; Pavel Chekov; Cleary; Crew Deck Ensign; Crewman; Willard Decker; DiFalco; Epsilon IX Lieutenant; Epsilon IX Technician; Ilia; Ilia Probe; James T. Kirk; Klingon Captain; Lang; Leonard McCoy; Nogura; Perez; Probert; Janice Rand; Montgomery Scott; Sonak; Spock; Hikaru Sulu; Nyota Uhura; V'ger; Female Vulcan Master; Male Vulcan Master 1; Male Vulcan Master 2; Yeoman 1; Yeoman 2
Politics Chief of Starfleet Operations; embassy; Klingon Empire; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Starfleet; Starfleet Command; Starfleet General Orders (Order 2005); Starfleet Ranks; Starfleet Operations; United Federation of Planets; United States of America; Vulcan embassy; Yeoman
Science & Technology airlock; antenna; antigrav; antimatter; asteroid; astrogator; astronomical unit; audio receiver; beacons; binary; biobed; biometrics; birth; black hole; brain; carbon; circuit; communications; communicator; computer; dalaphaline; dilithium; drone; drydock; EVA suit; evolution; forcefield; galaxy; gravity; ground test computer; hydraulics; impulse drive; kilometer; linguacode; megahertz; meter; mind meld; moon; multiprocessor chip; nacelle; navigational deflector; nerve pinch; nerves; orbit; osmosis; oxygen; PADD; phasers; photic sonar; photon torpedo; planet; planetary defense system; plasma; plasma weapon; pons; probe; pump; radio; radiation; self destruct; sensors; shields; sonar; sonic shower; spine; stars; subspace; subspace communications; telepathy; thruster suit; thrusters; time (hour, millisecond, minute, second); tractor beam; transporter; tricorder; turbolift; viewscreen; warp drive; wormhole
Ships & Vehicles air tram; I.K.S. Amar; Class F shuttlecraft; U.S.S. Columbia NCC-621; Shuttlecraft Conrad; Constitution II class; U.S.S. Entente NCC-2120; Enterprise OV-101; U.S.S. Enterprise (1775); U.S.S. Enterprise CV-6; U.S.S. Enterprise XCV-330; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701; K't'inga class; Shuttlecraft Laika; U.S.S. Merrimac NCC-1715; U.S.S. Revere NCC-595; shuttlecraft; Space Shuttle; Shuttlecraft Surak VS-5047-61192259584-5; travel pod; Voyager series; Voyager VI; warp shuttle; work bee
Xenology Aamazzarites; Andorians; Arcturians; Betelgeusians; Deltans; Humans; hybrids; K'normians; Kazarites; Klingons; Megarites; Rhaandarites; Rigellians; Saurians; Shamin; Vegans; Vulcans; Zaranites
Miscellaneous bridge; cargo bay; commanding officer; draft; Earth Defense Network; executive officer; main engineering; medic; navigator; officers' lounge; quarters; recreation deck; red alert; reserve activation clause; science officer; shuttlebay; sickbay; Starfleet Uniforms (2270); transporter room; yellow alert


Special Photographic Effects Directed By
Douglas Trumbull

Special Photographic Effects Supervisor
John Dykstra

Special Photographic Effects Produced By
Richard Yuricich

Executive in Charge of Production
Lindsley Parsons Jr.

Associate Producer
Jon Povill

Special Animation Effects
Robert Swarthe

Special Science Advisor
Jesco Von Puttkamer

Grateful Acknowledgment is made to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Special Science Consultant
Isaac Asimov

Costume Designer
Bob Fletcher

Set Decorator
Linda DeScenna

Make Up Artists
Fred Phillips
Janna Phillips
Ve Neill

Hair Stylist
Barbara Minster

Sound Mixer
Tom Overton

Music Editor
Ken Hall

Unit Production Manager
Phil Rawlins

Assistant Director
Danny McCauley

Second Assistant Director
Doug Wise

Art Directors
Joe Jennings
Leon Harris
John Vallone

Prop Master
Dick Rubin

Script Supervisor
Bonnie Prendergast

Assistant Film Editors
Rick Mitchell
Randy D. Thornton

Supervising Sound Editor
Richard L. Anderson

Sound Editors
Stephen Hunter Flick
Cecelia Hall
Alan Murray
Colin Waddy
George Watters II

Sound Effects Created By
Dirk Dalton
Joel Goldsmith
Alan S. Howarth
Francisco Lupica
Frank Serafine

Dialogue Editor
Sean Hanley

Supervising Re-recording Mixer
Bill Varney

Re-recording Mixers
Steve Maslow
Gregg Landaker

Construction Coordinator
Gene Kelley

Mechanical Special Effects
Alex Weldon
Darrell Pritchett
Ray Mattey
Marty Bresin

Lee Cole

Production Illustrators
Maurice Zuberano
Michael Minor

John Rothwell
Suzanne Gordon

Still Photographer
Mel Traxel

DGA Trainee
Kevin Cremin

Charles A. Ogle

Anita Terrian

Camera Operator
Al Bettcher

Assistant Cameramen
Michael Genne
Rob Wise

Larry Howard

Key Grip
Bob Sorbel

Agnes Henry
Jack Bear

Assistant to Mr. Roddenberry
Susan Sackett

Photographic Effects Directors of Photography
Dave Stewart
Richard Yuricich

Matte Paintings
Matthew Yuricich

Additional Matte Paintings
Rocco Gioffre

Gregg Jein
Russ Simpson
Jim Dow

Photographic Effects Cameramen
Don Baker
Phil Barberio
Don Cox
Douglas Eby
John Ellis
David Hardberger
Alan Harding
Don Jarel
Lin Law
Clay Marsh
David McCue
Max Morgan
Scott Squires
Hoyt Yeatman

Additional Photography
Jim Dickson
Bruce Logan
Charles F. Wheeler, A.S.C.

Photographic Effects Editorial
Jack Hinkle
Vicki Witt

Electronic and Mechanical Design
Evans Wetmore
Richard Hollander

Production Illustrators
David Negron
Andy Probert
Tom Cranham
Robert McCall
Don Moore

Mechanical Design
George Polkinghorne

Visual Consultants
Virgil Mirano
Ernest Garza
Guy Marsden

Photographic Effects Gaffer
David Gold

Photographic Effects Grip
Pat Van Auken

Effects Props and Miniatures
Larry Albright
Bruce Bishop
Al Broussard
Chris Crump
Lee Ettleman
Mike Fink
Kris Gregg
Rick Guttierez
Mike McMillen
Tom Pahk
Chris Ross
Robert Short
Robert Spurlock
Mark Stetson
Rick Thompson
Paul Turner
Don Wheeler

Photographic Effects Photography
Thane Berti
Glenn Campbell
Christopher George
Scott Farrar
Robert Friedstand
Robert Hollister
Tom Hollister
Russ McElhatton
Mike Peed
Lex Rawlins
Jonathan Seay
Steve Slocum
Bob Thomas

Animation and Graphics
Deena Burkett
Alison Yerxa
Lisze Bechtold
Merllyn Ching
Elrene Cowan
Cy Didjurgis
Leslie Ekker
Linda Harris
Nicola Kaftan
John Kimball
Thomas Koester
Deidre Le Blanc
Linda Moreau
Conne Morgan
Paul Olsen
Gregg Pierce
Gregg Wilzbach

Special Electronics
Kris Dean
Stephen Fog
John Gilman
Jim Goodnight
Fred Iguchi
Robin Leyden
Gregg McMurray
Mike Myers
Josh Morton

Special Editorial
Michael Backauskas
M. Kathryn Campbell
Nora Jeanne Smith

Photographic Effects Projectionist
John Piner

Photographic Effects Project Managers
John James
Bill Millar

Assistant to Mr. Trumbull
Mona Thal Benefiel

Assistant to Mr. Yuricich
Joyce Goldberg

Assistance to Photographic Effects
Leora Glass
Brett Webster

Optical Consultants
Alan Gundelfinger
Milt Laiken

Mechanical Designs
George Randle Co.
Precision Machine
Dieter Seifert
Rourke Engineering

Transportation Coordinator
Robert Mayne

Photographic Effects Sequences by
Apogee, Inc.

Photographic Effects Supervised by
John Dykstra

Photographic Effects Project Manager
Robert Shepard

Miniatures Supervised by
Grant McCune

Supervisor of Optical Photography
Roger Dorney

Photographic Effects Cameramen
Chuck Barbee
Bruno George
Michael Lawler
Jerry Pooler
Doug Smith
John Sullivan

Animation Effects
Harry Moreau

Electronic Design
Alvah J. Miller
Mat Beck
Paul Johnson
Steve Sass

Production Illustrators
Martin Kline
Syd Mead
Jack Johnson
John Shourt

Mechanical Design
Dick Alexander
Bill Shourt
Don Trumbull

Photographic Effects Photography
Cosmos Bolger
Dennis Dorney
Robert Elswitt
Phil Gonzales
Greg Kimble
Ron Nathan
Michael Sweeny
Diane E. Wooten

Effects Props and Miniatures
David Beasley
John Erland
Joe Garlington
Pete Gerard
Rick Gilligan
Richie Helmer
Michael Joyce
Deborah Kendall
Don Kurtz
Pat McClung
Gary Rhodaback
John Ramsay
Dennis Shultz
David Scott
Dick Singleton
Richard Smiley
David Sosalla
Susan Turner
Don Webber
Gary Weeks

Photographic Effects Grips
Mark Cane
Mark Kline

Photographic Effects Gaffer
Chuck Embrey

Mary Etta Lang

Animation and Graphics
Angela Diamos
John Millerburg

Photographic Effects Editorial
Denny Kelly
David Bartholomew
Steve Klein
Steve Mark

Special Visual Consultants
Mike Middleton
Erik Nash
Phil Joanou

Assistant to Mr. Dykstra
Mimi McKinney

Assistant to Mr. Shepherd
Ann M. Johnston

Assistance to Photographic Effects
Deborah Baxter
Janet Dykstra
Philip Golden
Proctor James
Tut Shurtleff

Optical Mechanical Consultants
B/G Engineering
Abbot Grafton
Gerald Nash

Geometric Designs
Ron Resch
Boston University

Certain Models Manufactured at
Magicam, Inc.

Richard Foy, Communication Arts, Inc.

Orchestrations By
Arthur Morton

Scoring Mixer
John Neal

Cast of Characters

Captain Kirk
William Shatner

Leonard Nimoy

Dr. McCoy
Deforest Kelley

James Doohan

George Takei

Dr. Chapel
Majel Barrett

Walter Koenig

Nichelle Nichols

Persis Khambatta

Stephen Collins

Grace Lee Whitney

Klingon Captain
Mark Lenard

Alien Boy
Billy Van Zandt

Epsilon Technician
Roger Aaron Brown

Airlock Technician
Gary Faga

Commander Branch
David Gautreaux

Assistant to Rand
John D. Gowans

Cargo Dock Ensign
Howard Itzkowitz

Lt. Commander Sonak
Jon Rashad Kamal

Chief DiFalco
Marcy Lafferty

Michele Ameen Billy

Chief Ross
Terrence O'Connor

Lt. Cleary
Michael Rougas

Susan L. Sullivan

Crew Members
Ralph Brannen
Ralph Byers
Paula Crist
Iva Lane
Franklyn Seales
Momo Yashima

Klingon Crewmen
Jimmie Booth
Joel Kramer
Bill McTosh
Dave Moordigian
Tom Morga
Tony Rocco
Joel Shultz
Craig Thomas

Vulcan Masters
Edna Glover
Norman Stuart
Paul Webber

Security Officer
Joshua Gallegos

Leslie C. Howard

Technical Assistants
Sayra Hummel
Junero Jennings

Robert Bralver
William Couch
Keith L. Jensen
John Hugh McNight

Copyright © CMLXXIX by Century Associates All Rights Reserved

STAR TREK: The Motion Picture is the trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation and is registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Computer Motion Control System for Miniatures
Bo Gehring

Certain Special Visual Effects Conceived and Designed by
Robert Abel and Assoc., Inc.

RA&A Designs by
Richard Taylor

Medical Computer Displays Courtesy of
Digital Equipment Corp.

Production Kinetic Lighting Effects in Engine Room &Voyager 6 Complex by
Sam Nicholson
Brian Longbotham

Technical Assistance by
Polaroid Corp.

Certain Computer Equipment by
Sutherland Computer Corp.

Marvin Paige

Star Trek - The Motion Picture Books Published By
Pocket Books

Filmed in

Color by

Recorded in
Dolby Stereo

Comic Adaptation

Issue 1

The Motion Picture
Cover (TOSMVL01)

Cover (TOSMVL01)
Series Star Trek
Published by Marvel Comics
Volume 1
Issue 1

Next V'Ger (TOSMVL02)
Released Apr 1980
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

Stardate 7412.6: A 23rd Century Odyssey—today!

The original crew members of the Enterprise are reunited for an urgent mission.


Marv Wolfman

Dave Cockrum & Klaus Janson

Marie Severin

John Costanza

Consulting Editor
Jim Shooter

Image Gallery

Related Data

Issue 2

Cover (TOSMVL02)

Cover (TOSMVL02)
Series Star Trek
Published by Marvel Comics
Volume 1
Issue 2

Previous The Motion Picture (TOSMVL01)
Next Evolutions (TOSMVL03)
Released May 1980
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

Stardate 7413.2: The Vengeance of V'Ger!

The Enterprise encounters V'Ger.


Marv Wolfman

Dave Cockrum & Klaus Janson

Marie Severin

John Costanza

Consulting Editor
Jim Shooter

Image Gallery

Related Data

Issue 3

Cover (TOSMVL03)

Cover (TOSMVL03)
Series Star Trek
Published by Marvel Comics
Volume 1
Issue 3

Previous V'Ger (TOSMVL02)
Next The Haunting of Thallus! (TOSMVL04)
Released Jun 1980
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

Stardate 7414.1: The deadly V'Ger is about to destroy the Earth and only the Enterprise stands in its way!

V'Ger reaches Earth and meets the creator.


Marv Wolfman

Dave Cockrum & Klaus Janson

Marie Severin

John Costanza

Consulting Editor
Jim Shooter

Image Gallery

Related Data