U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764 (STO)

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Myriad Universes: U.S.S. Defiant (Constitution class)
U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764
U.S.S. Defiant (STO: "Tangled Webs")

U.S.S. Defiant (STO: "Tangled Webs")
Registry NCC-1764
Class Constitution class
STO Timeline
(Star Trek Online MMORPG)

The Federation Starship Defiant, a Constitution class cruiser,[1] was constructed at Tranquility Base, Luna.[2] During the Klingon War of 2256-2257, the Defiant and her Constitution class sister ships were largely redeployed away from the fighting.[3]

In 2268, the Defiant answered a distress call from a Tholian colony fleet in the Murasaki 242 protonebula. The Defiant soon found itself outmatched by a Na'kuhl fleet that had traveled back in time in an attempt to spark a war between the Tholian Assembly and the Federation. Aided by the U.S.S. Pioneer NCC-1500, which had also traveled back in time from 2270, they were able to prevent a war, but not to save the Tholians. When the Tholian mothership rammed the Na'kuhl dreadnought, the chronal energies released, coupled with the unique properties of the protonebula, caused an interphasic rift that trapped the Defiant.[4]

This interphase had an adverse effect on humanoid neurophysiology and caused mass insanity among the crew. Captain Gil Morrison managed to get a distress call out to the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 before the crew succumbed to madness and started to kill each other. By the time the Enterprise arrived at the Defiant's location on Stardate 5693.2, three weeks had passed. The crew of the Defiant was dead, and the ship had been drawn deeper into the interphase rift. Interference from the Tholians prevented the Enterprise from retrieving the Defiant, and the ship was left behind. The Defiant was last seen shimmering, suspended between dimensions, until it faded into interspace.[1]

Mirror Universe

U.S.S. Defiant (ENT 94)

U.S.S. Defiant (ENT 94)

The interphase, however, was actually a rift between realities created by the Tholians of the Mirror Universe in 2155. The Defiant, after disappearing from its universe of origin, appeared in that universe and was taken by the Tholians to a drydock in the Vintaak system for study. Word of this eventually reached Commander Jonathan Archer, first officer of the I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01, who saw the ship as an opportunity to seize power for himself within the Terran Empire. He seized control of the Enterprise from Captain Forrest long enough to reach the Defiant. While Archer led a boarding party to the Defiant, the Enterprise was detected by the Tholians and destroyed.[2] Using the Defiant's advanced weapons, Archer was able to rescue most of the Enterprise crew and escape back to Imperial space, where it quickly became obvious that the balance had just tipped back in favor of the Empire in an ongoing civil war, led by Vulcans and Andorians who sought to unseat the Terrans in control of the Empire. The Defiant rendezvoused with an assault fleet, but discovered the I.S.S. Avenger NX-09 was the only ship remaining. Destroying the rebels, Archer then proceeded to assassinate Admiral Black, and decided he was going to use the ship from the future to overthrow the Emperor. The alien crew members on the Avenger, however, led by T'Pol and Soval—inspired by the Defiant's database, which described a United Federation of Planets in the other universe—convinced Dr. Phlox—the only remaining non-Terran aboard the Defiant—to disable the ship, allowing the Avenger to attack. However, the crew was able to restore the ship's systems and destroy the Avenger, killing Soval. Shortly after arriving at Earth, Archer was poisoned by Hoshi Sato, formerly the Captain's Woman to Forrest and an old flame of Archer's as well, who then declared herself empress.[5]

Defiant in 2257 (DSC10)

Defiant in 2257 (DSC10)

By 2257, after more than a century in the Mirror Universe, the Defiant had seen numerous modifications by the Terran Empire. The U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031, while briefly stranded in that reality, downloaded information about the Defiant from the Terran Empire's computer networks, as well as secured files aboard the flagship of the Terran Starfleet, the I.S.S. Charon.[6][7]

Constitution class vessels

Constitution class Mk I (2245)

U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017 •  U.S.S. Constitution NCC-1700 •  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 •  U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-1664 •  U.S.S. Exeter NCC-1672 •  U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647 •  U.S.S. Hood NCC-1703 •  U.S.S. Intrepid NCC-1631 •  U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709 •  U.S.S. Potemkin NCC-1657 •  U.S.S. Republic NCC-1371 •  U.S.S. Yorktown NCC-1717

Bonhomme Richard subclass (c.2250)

U.S.S. Ari NCC-1723 •  U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard NCC-1712 •  U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764 •  U.S.S. Eagle NCC-956 •  U.S.S. El Dorado NCC-1722 •  U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-1895 •  U.S.S. Essex NCC-1727 •  U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-1718 •  U.S.S. Graf Zeppelin NCC-1726 •  U.S.S. Hornet NCC-1714 •  U.S.S. Kent NCC-1725 •  U.S.S. Lafayette NCC-1720 •  U.S.S. Merrimac NCC-1715 •  U.S.S. Monitor NCC-1713 •  U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1724 •  U.S.S. Valiant NCC-1731 •  U.S.S. Wasp NCC-1721

Achernar subclass (2252)

U.S.S. Achernar NCC-1732 •  U.S.S. Ahzdar NCC-1790 •  U.S.S. Akagi NCC-1779 •  U.S.S. Alam'ak NCC-1796 •  U.S.S. Androcus NCC-1738 •  U.S.S. Ark Royal NCC-1791 •  U.S.S. Astrad NCC-1739 •  U.S.S. Behr'ak NCC-1797 •  U.S.S. Bunker Hill NCC-1745 •  U.S.S. Caspan NCC-1753 •  U.S.S. Chikuma NCC-1759 •  U.S.S. Clemenceau NCC-1784 •  U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1798 •  U.S.S. Ekinus NCC-1771 •  U.S.S. Emperador NCC-1774 •  U.S.S. Eskiis NCC-1789 •  U.S.S. Fontana NCC-1793 •  U.S.S. Forrestal NCC-1751 •  U.S.S. Franklin NCC-1743 •  U.S.S. Friedland NCC-1781 •  U.S.S. Ghar NCC-1786 •  U.S.S. Gniesenau NCC-1773 •  U.S.S. Hancock NCC-1735 •  U.S.S. Horok NCC-1748 •  U.S.S. Java NCC-1794 •  U.S.S. Jupiter NCC-1734 •  U.S.S. Kaga NCC-1780 •  U.S.S. Kars NCC-1769 •  U.S.S. Kep Salu NCC-1767 •  U.S.S. Kestral NCC-1766 •  U.S.S. Ketoi NCC-1768 •  U.S.S. King George V NCC-1740 •  U.S.S. Kirishima NCC-1775 •  U.S.S. Kitty Hawk NCC-1754 •  U.S.S. Konigsburg NCC-1782 •  U.S.S. Langley NCC-1749 •  U.S.S. Marcello NCC-1785 •  U.S.S. Mazda NCC-1778 •  U.S.S. Minsk NCC-1752 •  U.S.S. Mirazh NCC-1788 •  U.S.S. Ndele NCC-1758 •  U.S.S. Oomaru NCC-1761 •  U.S.S. Oriskany NCC-1733 •  U.S.S. Paegan NCC-1755 •  U.S.S. Pari NCC-1787 •  U.S.S. Phardos NCC-1757 •  U.S.S. Pilar NCC-1746 •  U.S.S. Prince of Wales NCC-1741 •  U.S.S. Procyon NCC-1756 •  U.S.S. Proxima NCC-1737 •  U.S.S. Qual'at NCC-1700 •  U.S.S. Radetsky NCC-1792 •  U.S.S. Richelieu NCC-1750 •  U.S.S. Rivoli NCC-1765 •  U.S.S. Santissma Trinidad NCC-1742 •  U.S.S. Scharnhorst NCC-1772 •  U.S.S. Shaandra NCC-1795 •  U.S.S. Sinuiji NCC-1770 •  U.S.S. Sirius NCC-1744 •  U.S.S. Temir NCC-1763 •  U.S.S. Tholus NCC-1747 •  U.S.S. Ticonderoga NCC-1736 •  U.S.S. Tulan NCC-1777 •  U.S.S. Tutakai NCC-1799 •  U.S.S. Ukrania NCC-1783 •  U.S.S. Victory NCC-1760 •  U.S.S. Yaan NCC-1762

Tikopai subclass (2252)

U.S.S. Acrux NCC-1818 •  U.S.S. Adhara NCC-1827 •  U.S.S. Agena NCC-1816 •  U.S.S. Aldebaran NCC-1812 •  U.S.S. Alioth NCC-1828 •  U.S.S. Alkaid NCC-1829 •  U.S.S. Alnilam NCC-1830 •  U.S.S. Altair NCC-1803 •  U.S.S. Anak NCC-1821 •  U.S.S. Antares NCC-1820 •  U.S.S. Arcturus NCC-1807 •  U.S.S. Arided NCC-1831 •  U.S.S. Bellatrix NCC-1832 •  U.S.S. Betelgeuse NCC-1822 •  U.S.S. Binar NCC-1819 •  U.S.S. Canopus NCC-1814 •  U.S.S. Capella NCC-1809 •  U.S.S. Castor NCC-1833 •  U.S.S. Darion NCC-1810 •  U.S.S. Deneb NCC-1826 •  U.S.S. Dubhe NCC-1834 •  U.S.S. El Nath NCC-1835 •  U.S.S. Fomalhaut NCC-1804 •  U.S.S. Helios NCC-1825 •  U.S.S. Hor NCC-1813 •  U.S.S. K'Hotan NCC-1802 •  U.S.S. K'Ushui NCC-1801 •  U.S.S. Lux NCC-1823 •  U.S.S. Miaplacidas NCC-1836 •  U.S.S. Mirfak NCC-1837 •  U.S.S. Murzim NCC-1838 •  U.S.S. Nakarat NCC-1805 •  U.S.S. Polaris NCC-1839 •  U.S.S. Pollux NCC-1808 •  U.S.S. Regulus NCC-1840 •  U.S.S. Rigel NCC-1824 •  U.S.S. Sardar NCC-1811 •  U.S.S. Shaula NCC-1841 •  U.S.S. Spica NCC-1815 •  U.S.S. Tikopai NCC-1800 •  U.S.S. Vega NCC-1806 •  U.S.S. Vena NCC-1817 •  U.S.S. Wezen NCC-1842 •  U.S.S. Xanthii NCC-1843

Constitution class Mk II (2257)

U.S.S. Bismarck NCC-1704 •  U.S.S. Challenger •  U.S.S. Kongo NCC-1710 •  U.S.S. Yamato NCC-1705

Constitution class Mk III (2262)

U.S.S. Confederate •  U.S.S. Intrepid NCC-1851 •  U.S.S. Littorio •  U.S.S. Marseille

Enterprise subclass Mk I (2273)

U.S.S. Akagi •  U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1728 •  U.S.S. Defiant •  U.S.S. Excalibur •  U.S.S. Exeter NCC-1706 •  U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1729 •  U.S.S. Forrestal •  U.S.S. Hood •  U.S.S. Potemkin •  U.S.S. Republic •  U.S.S. Rivoli •  U.S.S. Valley Forge •  U.S.S. Yorktown

Enterprise subclass Mk II (2280)

U.S.S. Hiryu •  U.S.S. Kaga •  U.S.S. Radetsky •  U.S.S. Soryu NCC-1730 •  U.S.S. Victory •  U.S.S. Zuiho NCC-1716

Enterprise subclass Mk III (2284)

U.S.S. Chikuma •  U.S.S. El Dorado •  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A •  U.S.S. Kearsarge •  U.S.S. Kitty Hawk •  U.S.S. Kongo •  U.S.S. Ticonderoga

Unknown subclass

U.S.S. Apollo •  U.S.S. Explorer NCC-1966 •  U.S.S. Furious •  U.S.S. Musashi •  U.S.S. Christopher Pike •  U.S.S. Ranger NCC-1707 •  NCC-1335

Mirror Universe

I.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764 •  I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 •  I.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647 •  I.S.S. Nixon

Myriad Universes

U.S.S. Constitution NCC-1700-A (STO) •  U.S.S. Eagle NCC-956 (OSDC73) •  U.S.S. Eagle NCC-1719 (FASA) •  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Myriad) •  U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A (Myriad) •  U.S.S. Republic NCC-1373 (FASA)

Notes and References

  1. 1.0 1.1 Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Tholian Web." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 9. Directed by Herb Wallerstein and Ralph Senensky. Written by Judy Burns and Chet Richards. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 15 November 1968.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Berman, Rick et al (Executive Producers). "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I". Star Trek: Enterprise, season 4, episode 18 (Production number 94). Directed by James L. Conway. Written by Mike Sussman. Paramount Pictures. 22 April 2005.
  3. Fuller, Bryan et al (Executive Producers). "Brother". Star Trek: Discovery, season 2, episode 1 (Production number 16). Directed by Alex Kurtzman. Written by Ted Sullivan & Gretchen J. Berg & Aaron Harberts. CBS Entertainment. 17 January 2019.
  4. "Tangled Webs": D'Angelo, Stephen & Ricossa, Stephen & Stinnett, Daron (Executive Producers). Star Trek Online, "Agents of Yesterday." Associate Production by Kiera Castner. Directed by Joe Lyford. Casting Direction by Lani Minella. Writing by Paul Reed. Cryptic Studios, 6 July 2016.
  5. Berman, Rick et al (Executive Producers). "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II". Star Trek: Enterprise, season 4, episode 19 (Production number 95). Directed by Marvin V. Rush. Story by Manny Coto. Teleplay by Mike Sussman. Paramount Pictures. 29 April 2005.
  6. Fuller, Bryan et al (Executive Producers). "Despite Yourself". Star Trek: Discovery, season 1, episode 10 (Production number 10). Directed by Jonathan Frakes. Written by Sean Cochran. CBS Entertainment. 7 January 2018.
  7. Fuller, Bryan et al (Executive Producers). "Vaulting Ambition". Star Trek: Discovery, season 1, episode 12 (Production number 12). Directed by Hanelle M. Culpepper. Written by Jordon Nardino. CBS Entertainment. 21 January 2018.