The Voyage Home (Film)

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The Voyage Home
The Voyage Home

The Voyage Home
Series Star Trek
Production Number 4
Previous The Search for Spock (ST03)
Next The Final Frontier (ST05)
Released 26 Nov 1986
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Stardate 8390: Using a Klingon ship, the crew of the Enterprise return to 1980’s Earth to retrieve two whales in an effort to help save the planet from a probe.

Image Gallery

Related Data

Astrometrics Alameda; Alameda Naval Air Station; Alaska; Bering Sea; Berkeley; Burlingame; California; Cambridge; China; Daly City; Earth; Earth Spacedock; Edinburgh; El Cerrito; Genesis Planet; Geneva; Golden Gate Bridge; Golden Gate Park; Iowa; Juneau; Klendth; Klingon Neutral Zone; Leningrad; Massachusetts; Mercy Hospital; Milky Way galaxy; Mission District; Mount Seleya; North America; Oakland; Pacific Ocean; Piedmont; Richmond; San Bruno; San Francisco; San Mateo; Sausalito; Sol; Sol system; Tokyo; Transamerica Pyramid; Vulcan; Washington DC
Chronology Prime Timeline; 20th Century; 23rd Century; 1986; 1987; 2285; Stardate 8390
Culture Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Americans; angels; chess; Christianity; English language; Friar Tuck; funeral; games; God; Hamlet; Italians; Japanese language; katra; Klingon language; Latin language; Moby Dick; museum; music; nun; punk rock; Robin Hood; Russians; Scots; Shakespeare; soul; Spanish; Spanish Inquisition; toasting; Vulcan salute; Whales Weep Not; The Wonderful World of Whales
Education biologist; doctor; doctorate; nurse; physician; Starfleet Academy; University of California Berkeley
Food alcohol; beer; bread; breadsticks; coffee; Diet Coke; donuts; Klingon food packs; Michelob; milk; mushrooms; onions; pepperoni; pizza; tea
People Antique store owner; Bob Briggs; Cartwright; Bus Punk; Pavel Chekov; Doctor #1; Doctor #2; Electronics Technician; FBI Agent #1; FBI Agent #2; Federation President; Garbage Man #1; Garbage Man #2; George; Gottlieb; Gracie; Amanda Grayson; Gregory; Huey Pilot; Intern #1; Intern #2; Jogger; Kiri-kin-tha; James T. Kirk; Klingon Ambassador; D.H. Lawrence; Madeline; David Marcus; Marine Lieutenant; Marine Sergeant; Leonard McCoy; Charles Melville; Motorcycle Cop; Nichols; Nurse; Passer-by; Policeman; Radar Operator; Janice Rand; Harold Robbins; Rogerson; Saavik; Saratoga Captain; Saratoga Helmsman; Saratoga Science Officer; Sarek; Montgomery Scott; William Shakespeare; Spacedock Controller #1; Spacedock Controller #2; Spock; Starfleet Aide; Starfleet Comm Ensign; Starfleet Comm Officer; Starfleet Display Officer; Hikaru Sulu; Jacqueline Susann; T'Plana-Hath; Taxi driver; Gillian Taylor; Torg; Nyota Uhura; Weintrub; Woman Patient; Yorktown Captain
Politics ambassador; assault; conspiracy; court martial; extradition; Federation Council; Klingon Empire; Klingon Neutral Zone; murder; mutiny; piracy; sabotage; San Francisco Police Department; Starfleet; Starfleet Command; Starfleet Ranks; Starfleet Regulations; terrorism; theft; United Federation of Planets; United States Army; United States Navy; United States of America; United States Postal Service; U.S. Army Ranks; U.S. Navy Ranks
Science & Technology anti-graviton; anti-neutron; antimatter; atmosphere; audio receiver; bearing; binoculars; bioengineering; biology; blood; borite; camera; cancer; candle; cast; chemotherapy; cloaking device; clock; cloud; communications; communicator; companel; computer; coordinates; crutches; dentistry; dialysis; dilithium; dilithium sequencer; distress call; element; elevator; epidural hematoma; eyeglasses; feet; fire extinguisher; floppy disk; fuel; fundoscopic examination; gadolinium; garbage can; Genesis Device; graviton; gravity; gurney; harpoon; heading; helmet; image therapy; impulse drive; inch; ion; ionization; kidney; kilometer; Klingon communicator; Klingon tricorder; knife; M-16 rifle; Macintosh; magnetic field; magnetism; map; mass; megahertz; meningeal artery; metaphysics; mile; mind meld; mining; mirror; molecule; mummification; nacelle; navigation; nerve pinch; neutron; nuclear fission; nuclear fusion; nuclear weapons; ocean; PADD; phasers; photography; photon; pill; pistol; plexiglass; pollution; polymer; pound; radar; radiation; radio; revolver; rifle; rust; sensors; shields; shotgun; sine wave; slingshot maneuver; solar sail; spacetime; sunglasses; teeth; telepathy; telephone; telescope; thrusters; time (hour, minute, month, second, year); time travel; tire iron; tissue regenerator; toaster oven; ton; toroidal spacetime distortion; torpedo; transparent aluminum; transporter; tricorder; universal atmospheric element compensator; universal translator; uranium; video camera; viewscreen; warp drive; water; yominum; yominum sulfide
Ships & Vehicles automobile; bicycle; Boeing 747; H.M.S. Bounty; H.M.S. Bounty (1784); bus; Cetacean Probe; Challenger OV-103; Constitution II class; U.S.S. Enterprise CVN-65; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A; Excelsior class; U.S.S. Excelsior NX-2000; forklift; freighter; U.S.S. Grissom NCC-638; helicopter; Huey 204; Klingon Bird-of-Prey; Miranda class; motorcycle; NCC-640; Nimitz class; Oberth class; pickup truck; U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1887; shuttlecraft; Space Shuttle; taxi; whaling ship; U.S.S. Yorktown NCC-1717
Xenology Andorians; armadillos (dasypus novem); Baird's beaked whale (berardius bairdii); blue whales; Caitians; cattail; cervus elaphus; chameleon (plethodon dunni); crabs (vulpes velox); Deltans; dogs; dolphins (tursiops truncatus); Efrosians; fish; fleas; Humans; humpback whales (megaptera novaeangliae); hybrids; kelp; Klingons; Loonkerians; mammals; orcas (orcinus orca); sciurus grise; seagulls; shrimp; Tellarites; travel pod; Vulcans; whales
Miscellaneous antique store; Apple Computers; bridge; cargo bay; Cetacean Institute; cigarettes; commanding officer; corpsman; credit card; dollar; first officer; hospital; layaway; LDS/LSD; money; newspaper; Omni Magazine; Pacific Bell; picnic table; Plexicorp; red alert; saloon; San Francisco Municipal Railway; San Francisco Register; shoes; smoking; Starfleet Uniforms (2278); surgery; whaling; Winchell's Donuts; yellow alert; Yellow Pages


Opening Credits

Paramount Pictures Presents

A Harve Bennett Production

A Leonard Nimoy Film

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy
DeForest Kelley

James Doohan
George Takei
Walter Koenig
Nichelle Nichols

Also Starring
Mark Lenard as Sarek
Jane Wyatt as Amanda
Majel Barrett as Commander Chapel
Robert Ellenstein as The Council President
John Schuck as The Klingon Ambassador
Brock Peters as Admiral Cartwright
Robin Curtis as Lt. Saavik
Catherine Hicks as Gillian

Executive Consultant
Gene Roddenberry

Music by
Leonard Rosenman

Edited by
Peter E. Berger

Production Designer
Jack T. Collis

Director of Photography
Don Peterman, A.S.C.

Executive Producer
Ralph Winter

Based on Star Trek Created by
Gene Roddenberry

Story by
Leonard Nimoy & Harve Bennett

Screenplay by
Steve Meerson & Peter Krikes
Harve Bennett & Nicholas Meyer

Produced by
Harve Bennett

Directed by
Leonard Nimoy

End Credits



Starfleet Personnel


In Old San Francisco


Naval Personnel

Electronic Technicians


Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Double for William Shatner
Stunt Double for Leonard Nimoy


Spike Silver

Unit Production Manager
Mel Efros

First Assistant Directors
Patrick Kehoe
Douglas E. Wise

Second Assistant Director
Frank Capra III

Visual Effects Supervisor
Ken Ralston

Associate Producers
Brooke Breton
Kirk Thatcher

Casting by

Casting Administrator

Camera Operator
First Assistant Photographer
Second Assistant Photographer
Sound Mixer
Boom Operator
Special Effects Supervisor
Special Effects

Costumes Designed by
Robert Fletcher

Men's Wardrobe Supervisors
Men's Wardrobe
Women's Wardrobe
Make-Up Artists
Additional Hairstylists
Script Supervisor
Chief Lighting Technician
Assistant Chief Lighting Technicians
First Company Grip
Second Company Grips
Dolly Grip
Set Decorator
Property Master
Assistant Property Master
Lead Person
Property Persons
Construction Coordinator
Construction Foreperson
Paint Foreperson
Standby Painter
Art Directors
Assistant Art Directors
Set Designers
Location Managers
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Captain
Craft Services
Unit Publicist
Still Photographer
Assistant Film Editors
Negative Cutting by
Reel People, Inc.
Color Timer
Title Design by

Sound Effects by
Mark Mangini

Sound Effects Editors
Special Sound Effects
Foley Editors
Foley by
ADR Editor
Assistant Editors
Sound Effects Recordist
Supervising Music Editor
Music Editor

Additional Music Score by

Music Scoring Mixer
Record Plant Scoring
Re-Recording Mixers
Underwater Director of Photography
Production Coordinator
Production Auditor
Assistant Production Auditor
DGA Trainee
Voice Casting
Assistant to Mr. Nimoy
Assistants to Mr. Bennett
Assistant to Mr. Winter
Assistant to Mr. Roddenberry
Production Assistants

Visual Effects Produced at
Industrial Light & Magic
Marin County, CA

Effects Director of Photography
Visual Effects Art Director
Optical Supervisor
Whale Design & Project Supervisor
Visual Effects Editor
Matte Painting Supervisor
Model Shop Supervisor
Animation Supervisor
General Manager, ILM
Visual Effects Coordinator
Production Manager, ILM
Storyboard Artist
Camera Operators
Assistant Camerapersons
Optical Camera Operators
Optical Lineup
Optical Coordinator
Lab Technicians
Whale Mold Supervisor
Whale Mechanical Designer
Whale Operators/Puppeteers
Underwater Whale Photography
Assistant Effects Editor
Matte Photography Supervisor
Matte Artists
Matte Photography
Chief Modelmaker
Animation Camera Operators
Rotoscope Artist
Visual Consultant
Stage Technicians
Production Assistant
Time Travel
ILM Computer Graphics

Creatures Created by
Richard Snell Designs

Computer Animation and Tactical Displays
Video Images

Novocom, Inc.

Michael Okuda

Video Supervisor
Hal Landaker

Chief Engineer
Alan Landaker

Process Coordinator
Donald Hansard Sr.

Theme from Star Trek Television Series

Music by

'Genesis Project
by Craig Huxley

I Hate You

Written by
Arranged by
Performed by

The Producers extend special thanks to:

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California

Humpback Whale Sounds'
Courtesy of Roger Payne and New York Zoological Society

Mark Ferrari and Debbie Glockner-Ferrari
of the Humpback Whale Fund

Howard Weinstein


Apple Computer Company

Roy Danchick

'The Producers also gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense, and the following individuals:

RADM Charles Reynolds McGrail
CAPT Walter Davis
LT Sandra Stairs
LT Lee Saunders

Mr. John Horton

And the Officers and Men of: USS Ranger
Marine Detachment, USS Ranger
U.S. Coast Guard, Long Beach
U.S. Coast Guard, San Francisco

Additional Optical Effects by
Westheimer Company

Sound by
Todd-Ao/Glen Glenn Studios

Color by

Filmed in

Co-Produced by
Industrial Light & Magic


Comic Adaptation

The Voyage Home
The Voyage Home cover

The Voyage Home cover
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)