Starfleet Command (Game)

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Starfleet Command
Box Cover

Box Cover
Released 31 Jul 1999
 •  Gold Edition: 12 Oct 2000

Finally, a starship naval combat game worthy of the name Star Trek

Using data from the best-selling strategy board game, Star Fleet Battles, Starfleet Command puts you in the captain's chair for the most amazing real-time space combat experience ever created.

Pledge allegiance in the Klingon Empire, the United Federation of Planets, the Romulan Star Empire, the Hydran Kingdom, the Gorn Confederation or the Lyran Star Empire.

  • Experience a 30-year campaign that takes you from Lieutenant Commander of a frigate to a Rear Admiral in control of a task force including Destroyers, Heavy Cruisers, and Dreadnoughts.
  • Every good tactician knows there's a fine balance between speed and raw power. Choose from four classes of ships and over 50 3-D rendered hull designs.
  • Command over 50 unique campaign missions generated by the Dynaverse engine, or reenact classic scenarios from the original series.
  • Dozens of multifunctional display panels offer instant access to every critical system. Weapons, Shields, Sensors, Transporters, Marines, Mines, Engineering, Science, and Energy Management.
  • Multiple tutorials and technicals will introduce the controls necessary for you to take command.
  • Numerous multi-player options include "Pass the Tribble" and cooperative Starbase Assault with up to 6 players. Or go head-to-head via modem/serial cable, direct TCP/IP, IPX or Mplayer.

Starfleet Command is a true starship simulation
These are monstrous vessels, equipped with dozens of weapons and systems. Maneuver to keep your target within the arc of your weapons, but remember that these are massive ships and you will have to plan ahead. Use transporters, tractor beams, electronic warfare, marine boarding parties and sensors.

Between campaign missions...
Refit and repair your ships at Starbase. Recruit new officers or send your trainees back into the officer pool to earn additional prestige. Spacedock allows you to purchase additional shuttlecraft, marines, transporter bombs and more.

Command is a team effort.
Multiplayer supports up to 6 players via TCP/IP and IPX (Internet and LAN) or two players via modem or serial. Each player can control up to three ships. There are various multiplayer games and missions, both cooperative and competitive. Gang up on a computer controlled Starbase. Duke it out in a best two out of three. Or try your hand at a game of Tug of War.

The Dynaverse awaits.
The single-player dynamic campaign presents a fresh series of missions based on your performance and actions. A unique series of campaign missions for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans and Lyrans combine to tell the story of the missing Organians. There are over 100 missions that can be generated in thousands of different combinations. The galaxy is at war and you can make a difference.

Space is not completely empty.
Discover uncharted Nebulae, maneuver through dense asteroid fields and belts or battle at the fringe of a black hole. Flying close to a sun will test your shields and your ship. The different types of terrain require commanders to exercise additional caution and skill.

You are not alone.
In your missions, you may encounter Orion Pirates attempting to steal cargo or otherwise cause trouble. Freighter convoys require protection or plundering. Defensive satellites and battle stations orbit planets and moons. In the cold of space exist monsters of the most unusual kind.

Gold Edition

The Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gold Edition has 26 new missions, featuring three Federation missions, three Klingon missions, 10 Hydran missions, seven Gorn Missions, and three Romulan missions. Similar to the original Star Trek: Starfleet Command, the Gold Edition offers you the starring role as a captain in any one of six star empires. You start out with command of a frigate, then take on missions, such as Convoy Escort and Courier. Depending on your success with the missions, you gain prestige. With prestige comes rank, larger ships, multiple ships, and more experienced officers.



Errand of Curiosity

Captain's Log
Our mission is to Deep Scan all the listening posts at the edge of the Organian system, and if we find anything wrong, to scan Organia itself.

Welcome to the Starfleet Special Task Force. We are very busy, so let's get down to business.

There has been an alarming increase in military activity across the quadrant in the last few months. The foundation for our recent peace has been the Organian Treaty, which was brokered by a race of advanced beings after hostilities between the Federation and the Klingons threatened to plunge the galaxy into war.

We have not heard from the Organians in weeks, and we want to talk with them. Your mission is to go to Organia, and scan our listening posts for any messages that they may have sent. If there are no messages, then proceed to Organia and discreetly scan the planet to see if anything's wrong. Try not to disturb the Organians unless it's absolutely necessary - they're very sensitive about contact.

Testing Ground

Captain's Log
We are to tractor the SES toward the star until it is in position, then patrol the area until the mission is complete: destroying any hostile ships and capturing any curious ones.

Starfleet Special Task Force is conducting a small experiment, and we need your help.

The Subspace Equaliscopic System is a prototype device that can tap energy directly from a star and generate a dampening field that blocks subspace communications in a two parsec radius.

The SES is loaded into the unmanned science vessel Dukain. We need you to tractor the Dukain to the system and place it in orbit. When the Dukain has achieved orbit, you will scour the system for possible intruders. Eliminate them, let the Dukain send out its test signal, then bring it home.

Bordering on Insanity

Captain's Log
Federation relations with an allied race are being threatened by mysterious attacks, allegedly by the Federation. Our mission is to scan a communications buoy and see if it might help us solve the mystery.

This is a delicate mission.

Starfleet Command is receiving reports of Federation ships attacking allies in the system. But no Federation ships are assigned to that sector, so we need you to investigate what's really happening.

You will head to the system. There's a communications relay there; scan it and get a copy of its log. The post is in neutral space, so try to be civil. Avoid a shooting war at all costs.

Dancing With Myself

Captain's Log
In a bold gambit, we've been sent to capture our counterpart and deliver them to our allies as evidence of our innocence. I don't like being used as bait, but Starfleet feels that a larger force would scare away the Imperials.

Starfleet Command has some bad news.

Our allies are accusing you of some heinous crimes. We believe that your counterparts from the parallel universe are responsible. Our allies aren't buying the explanation - they want your head.

We believe that your counterpart can be found at an abandoned Orion base in the system. Your mission is to find that ship, capture it, deliver it to our allies, and clear your name as well as restore the reputation of the Federation.

A Nest of Spies

Captain's Log
There's no rest for the wicked. We're going to pose as our extra-dimensional counterparts at a meeting. We hope to beam over an infiltration team, extract data on Imperial forces, and get out quietly.

We now have an opportunity to take the fight to the Imperials.

Our main problem in this skirmish has been the lack of reliable intelligence. This situation has now changed. Starfleet Command has just learned that the alternate universe version of your ship was supposed to meet with other Imperials at a captured Orion base.

You will take your ship to that meeting, pose as your counterpart, and send an infiltration team onto the station. Once the team has retrieved data from the Imperial computers, you will discreetly return to Federation space.

It's going to be a difficult mission. Make as little contact with the enemy as possible, and watch out for scanning devices.


Captain's Log
The son of the Imperial Supreme Commander, Will Decker, is having a secret meeting with our enemies. Our mission is to disrupt that meeting and show them that if they support the Imperials, they're backing the losing side.

Cryptographers at Starfleet Command Special Task Force have decoded information from the Imperial computers. Their leader is Supreme Commander Matthew Decker, the 'Mirror' counterpart of the great Starfleet hero, who, several years ago, sacrificed his life to save the Federation from an alien Planetkiller. I think it's safe to say Supreme Commander Decker is far less benevolent than 'ours'

Decker's son, Captain Will Decker, is being sent to a meeting with our enemies. He plans to make an alliance with them. This could be devastating to the Federation, so you need to break up that meeting. Destroy every Imperial ship, make them look weak, and destroy their credibility.

And if you could capture Captain Decker and his ship, we'd be really happy.

Does Anyone Know What Doomsday This Is?

Captain's Log
When I was at the Academy, I had to take the Kobayshi Maru scenario, which judges how we handle no-win situations. Now, facing the most terrifying weapon the Federation has ever encountered, I get the feeling I'm doing that scenario again. We must not let the Imperials get access to these weapons of destruction.

We have a serious problem.

The Imperials have undertaken a special project. Since the Organians disappeared, we've noticed an increase in extra-dimensional phenomena such as dimensional rifts and wormholes. The Imperials have found a wormhole to a special place - a place outside the galaxy, a graveyard of Planetkillers. It appears they think they can activate some of them and use them as weapons against the Federation.

We barely managed to defeat one of them. I don't want to think what a dozen of them could do to us. Starfleet Command needs you to go through the wormhole and stop them. Use your Deep Scan to search the 'dead' Planetkillers. If they manage to bring any of them on-line, destroy them. The only reliable method of destroying a Planetkiller is to send a large vessel, such as a cruiser, into its maw. You may have to capture enemy ships to accomplish this.

Rift Raft

Captain's Log
This is it, the big one. If we succeed in our mission, the bulk of the Imperial forces will return to their home dimension, and we'll have ended a grave threat to the Federation. If we fail... I don't want to think about that.

Our Special Task Force has located Decker's main base and we're about to launch an attack. However, the attack is actually a diversion from our main operation, and this is where you come in.

Decker's main base is located in dimensionally unstable space. If we can trigger a dimensional disruption in this star system, we can shift any ship that has traveled between dimensions back to its original universe.

To trigger a disruption, we're going to need to tap into an enormous power source - a star. We've rigged a freighter with a star tap; once it's achieved orbit, it will trigger the disruption. Unfortunately, there's a base on a planetoid near the star: when the Imperials detect your approach, they'll do everything they can to stop you. Your job is to keep the freighter alive until it triggers the disruption.

Armageddon Away

Captain's Log
We are facing the most powerful threat that the Federation has ever seen. If we fail, Earth is dead. There's an empty feeling inside I can't begin to describe, as if I dare not feel any emotion in this hour or risk breaking into pieces.

We're facing a desperate situation.

In spite of our recent success with the Imperials, Supreme Commander Decker has amassed a fleet of Planetkillers, and brought them through a wormhole into the heart of the Federation. They're on a direct course for Earth.

We assembled a task force led by the Enterprise, but they won't arrive in time. All we have are a few cruisers - and you. We've developed an experimental weapon to combat the Planetkillers, but it's untested. The Nova mines are a transporter weapon; you have to get to point blank range, transport them into the Planetkiller's maw, and detonate them.

You have two goals. First, save Earth from the Planetkillers. Second, get Decker. If he escapes, he'll try this again. We want him alive.

The fate of Earth and the Federation is in your hands.

Lands of the Lost

Captain's Log
The Organians stopped a galactic war once -- Starfleet hopes they can do it again. Our mission is to scan two planets in this system for signs of the Organians.

We finally have a lead in tracking down the missing Organians. A probe registered strange energy signatures around two planets, an energy signature that is identical to the Organians.

I know it's a long shot, but finding the Organians could solve a lot of the galaxy's problems. Go to the system, scan the planets, and bring back any findings to Starfleet Command. Also, if you find any unusual phenomena in that system, scan it too.

Settling the Skorr

Captain's Log
The Skorr were one of the most aggressive races in galactic history until A'lar taught them the ways of pacifism and encouraged them to join the Federation. If anything was to happen to his Soul - or to his people - the results could be catastrophic.

The hunt for the lost Organians has hit an ominous dead end. The mysterious energy field you discovered has reappeared at the Skorr Homeworld.

The Skorr recently disavowed violence and disbanded their navy, leaving their planet defenseless. The energy field is increasing the radiation levels on the planet. We're sending freighters with anti-radiation drugs to the planet. When the freighters deliver the drugs, they'll take on cargo -- eggs from the Skorr hatcheries. And there's one other sensitive matter...

The Skorr religion venerates the Soul of A'larr, the Skorr messiah. The Skorr wants the Soul removed for safekeeping. The USS Sidorov has been assigned to accompany you. Its priority is to go to the planet, get the Soul and take it to a safe haven. Given Skorr fanaticism, we don't know what would happen if the Soul is lost. Protect the Sidorov at all costs and protect as many freighters as possible.


Captain's Log
The Federation always viewed the Organians with reverence, so it's a surprise to learn that we developed anti-Organian technology. However, in dealing with this energy phenomenon, it looks like it's being put to good use.

We've made a disturbing discovery about that energy field you've recently encountered.

The Organians once mentioned that there were many beings in the universe like themselves. Some of these beings had gone mad over the eons and threatened the younger races, so the Organians and others like them imprisoned them in the Damnation black hole. An asylum for higher beings.

We believe the energy being you encountered is an escapee from the Organians' asylum. It's gathering energy sources, such as the Soul of A'lar and who knows what else, and has returned to the Damnation system in an attempt to free its brethren. It must be stopped.

Starfleet developed the Mandoss system to imprison higher class beings as a weapon of last resort, in the event that the Organians ever became a threat. It's been loaded into the unmanned freighter USS Contempt. You will go to the Damnation system and drive the Contempt into the energy field. Once it has been imprisoned, you will send the Contempt into the black hole, imprisoning the entity.


A Sign of Things to Come

Ship's Record
Rebellion. The passions of the Brown Stripes in the Igorash system have led to violence, which has only recently been quelled. Our mission is to deliver medical supplies to the planet Igorash I. Many on my vessel consider it to be a distasteful duty, but it shall be done.

King's Guard: I am certain you've heard the reports of rioting on the Igorash system's outpost. Like most rumors, they are greatly exaggerated, but this is a season of weak tongues.

Nonetheless, the Igorash system is in need of medical supplies. Yours is the duty of delivering the supplies to the colony on Igorash I.

This region is being used as a poaching ground by the Orion. These jackals need to be removed from our space. Bloody your claws on them whenever possible.



Defenders of the Egg: This time, your's shall be an errand of mercy.

There has been an insurrection in the Igorash system, but it is over. Our duty now is to help those who have been loyal to our Loving Mistress. They need supplies from our healing stores. Our duty is to deliver them to Igorash I.

Take glory in your assignment, and know that the treacherous Orions have been seen in the area. The Orion are our greatest threat, a plague that must wiped clean.



Guardians Errant: I regret to inform you that we missed the fun in the Igorash system. Local authorities have managed to get the riots under control without our help.

Yes, I know, I'm surprised too...

We have agreed to deliver medical supplies to Igorash I. It's not much of an adventure, but our friends the Orions have been seen in the area, so this assignment might not be too boring.

Seize your chance for greatness, my friend.

Picking the Bones

Ship's Record
We are seizing the assets of the traitorous Manthar. We understand the system contains some dangerous asteroids, but I'm not worried about asteroids, Orions, or any other obstacles.

King's Guard: The traitorous house of Manthar is falling, and it is your duty to push them into the abyss.

The Manthar have several weapons caches in the asteroid belt. Scan the major asteroids and find the location of every cache. If it is defended, destroy the defenses. If you find a base in the system, capture it. A marine transport is at your disposal.

Fly well, for the glory of our King.



Defenders of the Egg: The traitorous house of Manthar is being punished, and it is providing us with an opportunity to rearm ourselves.

We have discovered that the Manthar kept several weapons caches in the asteroid belt. We need those weapons for our own dwindling supplies. Scan the asteroids, find the caches, and destroy the defenses. If you find a major base, capture it. A marine transport is at your disposal.

And if any Orions cross your path, crush them with a smile. May the Mistress smile on your claws this day.



Guardians Errant: We've got an interesting assignment for you.

We've been mauling our favorite incompetent traitors, the Manthar, for quite awhile. The time has come to finish them. They've got a base and some weapons caches in the asteroid belt. Go there, scan the asteroids, find the caches, and take that base. You'll have a transport full of marines with you to make it easier.

There's a weapons shortage right now, so we could really use those caches. Have fun, but don't drop the egg on this one.

Bright Colony, Full of Flame

Ship's Record
Revenge is our banner, the war stones are brown with blood. We go to the system. We go to reclaim what is ours, and to watch the thieves burn. Some missions are merely trivial passages of time. Then there are the missions such as this one, missions that make you feel alive.

King's Guard: Morale in the Confederation is not good right now. Although rumors of openly rebellious planets and interfactional warfare are completely false, and anyone caught perpetuating them will be...punished.

Many of the current problems can be traced to the loss of Garragan, which was taken from us several years ago. Now is the time for retribution. Your mission is simple, retake Garragan. Leave no survivors.



Defenders of the Egg: A malaise grips the Confederation. The displeasure of the Mistress is clear to all. Planets are in rebellion, and the harmony of the guilds, faiths, and soldierly Orders has completely broken down into strife and chaos.

Many of our problems began when Garragan was stolen, but we have a chance to take Garragan back. Your mission is to retake the system. If any alien technology were to fall into our handsduring your mission, so much the better.



Guardians Errant: Listen up hatchlings. There's a lot to discuss.

As you know, morale in the Confederation is at an all time low, despite our beloved (ha!) King's best efforts. But we can use the current situation to seize some glory - and revenge.

Garragan was taken from us several years ago, the first of our most recent wave of defeats. What you may not know is that something has happened. The defenses at Garragan are now minimal. Let's take advantage of it. Let's take Garragan, and seize whatever technology we can get our claws on.

Green Eggs and Empire

Ship's Record
On Gihdahr, the eggs of blue-yellow hatchlings are considered holy. To lay even one such egg in a clutch is a great blessing, but to lay four...

A blessed event has occurred that will end the misfortunes of the Confederation. The Queen of Gihdahr has given birth to a clutch of eggs. According to the Mistress, four of the offspring will be Yellow-Blue Scales. This is a great omen, and may calm the unrest that has gripped the Confederation.

You have been selected to be one of the cruisers that will escort the eggs to Hatch Hold. There, the eggs will receive their traditional blessing. The system is heavily mined, but a lane of safe passage will be made available to you.

I cannot imagine that even the Orions would dare to attack this convoy, but do not let your guard down. Failure could mean civil war - and a slow death for anyone involved in this debacle.

Hatching a Scheme

Ship's Record
Treachery or desperation? The Defenders of the Egg are meeting with the Orions, for reasons unknown. Our assignment is to demonstrate our control over Gorn space by destroying the Orions, and it shall be done gladly.

King's Guard: The Defenders of the Egg have called a secret meeting with the Orions in the system. Given that the Holy Mother herself called for their extermination, this is most unexpected.

We will not permit secret meetings with our enemies. You will go to the system and destroy any alien ship you find there. If any Gorn ship fires on you, you may return it.

As for the Holy Mother, while we would never advocate harming her, it might be a good thing if she were taken into custody. To protect her from the Orions, of course.



Ship's Record
We are assigned to safeguard our holy mother at a meeting. There are elements of this mission that deeply disturb me, but I will not speak them openly. No enemy shall touch the Holy Mother.

Defenders of the Egg: The Holy Mother herself will be meeting with the Orions at the system to discuss important matters. This is unusual and most disturbing... but if the Holy Mother wills it, so be it.

Word of the meeting may have leaked to other Gorn factions. Your duty is to safeguard the meeting by patrolling the area and discouraging interference.

The Orions are hardly the most trustworthy creatures, so keep an eye on them. Should they threaten the Holy Mother, leave none of them alive.



Ship's Record
Treachery or desperation? The Defenders of the Egg is meeting with the Orions, for reasons unknown. Our assignment is to plant listening devices on nearby asteroids and hopefully uncover the secret.

Guardians Errant: This is a weird one, so listen up.

The Defenders of the Egg has called a secret meeting with the Orions in the system. They're mortal enemies. We'd like to know what this is all about.

There are a lot of asteroids in the system. You will proceed to asteroids Sigma, Theta, and Upsilon and transport listening devices onto them. Try not to get caught, but if things go wrong, destroy as many Orions as possible and return to base.

Wooden Starships and Iron Gorn

Ship's Record
The Guardians Errant are known for their arrogance and insolent manner. It will give us great pleasure to reassert the king's control over his domain.

King's Guard: The Igarron shipyards have typically been the responsibility of the Guardians Errant, but their recent actions have forced the King to remove them from that office. We need a ship to go to the shipyards and announce the King's wishes. If they resist, destroy them - and the shipyards.



Ship's Record
The Guardians Errant are known for their impiety, but they have seldom been punished for it. Tonight, that will change.

Defenders of the Egg: The Guardians Errant's recent espionage must be punished. Our target is the Igarron shipyard. Your orders are simple - destroy the shipyards and destroy every ship in the system.



Ship's Record
Ships are the lifeblood of a fighter, and our enemies seek to drain us dry. To the Ice with them, they won't get them today.

Guardians Errant: We're expecting trouble. Word has it that the King is planning to take back control of the Igarron shipyards. It is also thought that the Defenders of the Egg are planning to destroy those shipyards in retaliation for our attempt to listen in on their conversation with the Orions.

We aren't about to let either happen. Your mission is to go to Igarron and destroy all attacking ships.

All the King's Starships and All the King's Captains

Ship's Record
We are heading for a nebula. We are to find the base, perform a deep scan at close range, send a message to the rest of the fleet, and then take the station with our boarding parties.

We've tracked down one of the ships that stole the Gorn Blue-Yellow Eggs. There's a hidden Orion base somewhere in the system's nebula.

Sending a task force into a nebula without knowing the exact location of the base would be suicide. We're sending you ahead of the main force. Find the location of the base, get close to it, perform a deep scan, send a signal to the task force, then join them in the assault. When its shields are down, beam over your Vanguard teams to recapture the eggs. If the eggs are not present, or if they've been destroyed, leave no Orion alive.

Muddy Waters

Ship's Record
Although we prefer to respect the laws of our neighbors, we have no choice but to violate the law and rescue a criminal who has information on the stolen eggs. It is expected to be a difficult mission.

We have received word from a Federation trader who claims that he has information about the Orions and the whereabouts of our Blue-Yellow Eggs.

Unfortunately, his name is Harry Mudd, and he's currently incarcerated at the Federation New Brisbane penal colony.

We could attempt diplomacy with the Federation, but there isn't time. Mudd will exchange information on the eggs for his freedom. You will rescue Harry Mudd from New Brisbane and bring him back to Gorn space. Don't let anything stand in your way.

The Egg and Why

Ship's Record
This mission is going to be a difficult one. We must capture a freighter, use it to infiltrate a base, capture the stolen eggs, then safely escape. There are many opportunities for error.

We have tracked down the location of the remaining stolen Eggs to the Fargaross system on the Romulan border. The Orions will shatter the eggs at the slightest opportunity, so we need to be very cautious.

There's a traitor Gorn freighter heading to Fargaross. You'll need to capture that freighter to acquire an up-to-date security pass-phrase. Send that freighter back to the homeworld for further crew...interrogation. We will provide you with an identical freighter that you will pilot to Fargaross safely, get the eggs, then return to Gorn space.

Romulan ships patrol the edge of the system, but if you treat them with respect, they should not be a problem, given our relations. There's a more serious threat: several Orion listening posts in the system. If you venture too close, they will scan you and penetrate your disguise.

If we do not recover the eggs soon, civil war is inevitable. May the Mistress protect you on this, the most critical mission in Gorn history.

The Gorn Navy Versus a Higher Being

Ship's Record
It was not long ago that the Gorns of the Three Worlds were living savage lives, worshipping kings who styled themselves after the great Father, the Dark King of Myth, the Egg-Breaker. Now, the only remaining King in Gorn space is a constitutional monarch, and we laugh at fables, and we go into space to destroy this advanced alien, who calls himself the Great Father. It is a good time to reflect on our evolution, and think of what we might become.

We've gathered as large a force as we can on short notice. We're going to hit this Quosian - the so-called Great Father, hard enough that even the gods will hear it.

The Three Planets and all the Gorn Worlds are watching you. Today, you shall become like the Egg-Bringers of Myth, when you return with those who are destined to become the greatest of Gorns, rescued from the god of darkness, a new age will dawn. The only alternative is insurrection and chaos, the final nightfall of our race.



Welcome to the Keepership. In addition to your duties as a Hydran Knight-Captain, you will also be responsible for the protection of sacred Hydran Star-Beasts, which are worshipped by some of our most prominent cults.

The situation is a mess. When the Organians vanished, the subsequent quantum wave disrupted the energy fields that envelop the Star Beast preserves. Quite a few of our gods escaped, and we're going to need someone to round them back up. But we won't send you after them until you've gotten a lot more experience.

We'll start with something small. A pair of hanyurii mated in the sector and produced several offspring. As is the habit of hanyurii, these orphans were left to fend for themselves.

Agents of a star-beast hunter cult have been spotted in the area. We need to drive the hunters away, wrangle the offspring and deposit them in the local mineral field, where they'll be able to grow in peace and safety.

Fait Accompli

Repair the three sub-space generators and disengage. Do not destroy the monster, lose your ally or the generators.

The containment fields around many of the Star-Beast preserves have failed. We have assembled engineering teams to repair them. Your task will be to take the engineering team to the system, transport them aboard each generating station, and then beam them away when they've completed their task.

Be careful. There are Star-Beasts in the area, and the monster-hunters have also been spotted. In addition, the muriyz, the most fanatical Star-Beast cult, have excommunicated the Keepership and threatened to destroy all of the containment field projectors.

...bloody lunatics...

Eye of the Storm

Capture the enemy comm station and retrieve their computer core information. Disengage after you have the files.

We believe that the enemy has been sending genetically engineered spies into our space.

We need to gather evidence of their spy network and determine what they know and who their operatives are. We've uncovered an enemy communications station in the dust cloud of a system along our border that we believe is their local headquarters. We want you to land your Triad boarding parties, capture the station, get as much data as you can, and get out fast.

There are high energy discharges in the cloud, so be careful.

Final Voyage

Escort the Star-Beast until he gets close to the sun. Protect Him from His enemies.

We have received a communication from one of the oldest known Star-Beasts, Ctalhru, Scion of Stars. He is dying. He wishes to throw himself into the sun of his home system. He wishes us to send a ship to escort him on his final journey. You'll be commanding that ship.

We are worried that members of the star-beast hunter cult may decide that Ctalhru would make a fine trophy. So watch out. Though I'd really like to bloody the noses of those spoiled brats.

You're IT!

Transport bio-monitors onto all star-beasts and destroy all poachers.

This should be a relatively dull mission - I hope. We've discovered a new herd of scovion, a young star-beast type, in the system. We need to constantly monitor their condition. So we're sending you into the system with bio-monitor packages. You'll transport the bio-monitors into the creature's nautical cavity, then move to the next one. Preliminary reports indicate there are five scovions in the area.

It's possible that the muriyz will view this as a sacreligous act, or that the star-beast hunters will be nearby. So be careful.

Dragon's Breath

A Hydran base has come under a surprise attack. We had few forces in the area, and most of them have been destroyed. It's almost certain that the system will fall, leaving a strategic gap in our defenses.

We have one hope, although it's a violation of the principles of the Keepership. There is a small herd of scovions in the first system. Some may be intelligent. We want you to convince them to intervene in the conflict, then proceed to the second system and drive the enemy away.

Perhaps you have moral problems about involving a Star-Beast, a space god, in mundane affairs. But whatever we may feel about them, orders are orders.

Endangered Species

We have a desperate situation in the system. The muriyz beast cult, protesting our use of scovions in military engagements, has seized the planet and the system's base. The matriarchs are most upset over this development, and I don't need to tell you what that means...

You will be accompanied by a transport ship loaded with many Triads of our best ground troops. Your mission is to retake both the planet and the base. If you can do so without bloodshed, do it, but if diplomacy fails, use whatever force is necessary.

A Beast Unknown

A wormhole has opened up in a system which leads to enemy space. We believe they have an astrophysics observatory there. We've decided to retaliate for their recent raid. You will travel through the wormhole, board the observatory, gather as much of their data as possible, and return.

If this raid is to be more than a symbolic gesture, it needs to be thorough. Hit them fast and strike them hard.


There is a large migration of star beasts to the system. Our mission is to discover why they're here. Scan the star and destroy all poachers.

There is a large gathering of Star-Beasts near the system nebula. These Star-Beasts are among those who escaped when the quantum disruption destroyed their confinement fields.

We don't want them recaptured yet. We want to know why they are gathering together. This doesn't fit any established mating patterns. Something in the system must be drawing them there. Your job is to find out what it is.

Also, there are reports that the ulazhi, the Star-Beast hunters, have gathered at least two task forces and they're heading toward the nebula. It's time to obliterate them once and for all.

The Abyss Stares Back

Subdue the Star-Beasts so tugs positioned just outside of this system may safely approach them.

We have a crisis. The Star-Beasts are leaving Hydran space, heading into uncharted territory. The Beast-Cults are treating this as an apocalyptic sign. There is unrest on many planets.

The time has come at last to recapture the Star-Beasts and return them to the preserves. Some of our larger ships will be escorting you. You will attack the Star Beasts and knock them unconscious. Then we'll send in a fleet of tugs to tractor them back to their preserves.

One last thing, due to these troubled times, fighter reinforcements are not available and all fighters have been pulled off the line. You must make do without fighter escorts.


Expedition to Organia

Commander's War Record
We are investigating a space-time anomaly near Organia. A Deep Scan will help us calibrate our probe, and the probe launch will yield detailed information about the area surrounding the anomaly. Any Federation vessels can be used for whatever information they have gathered.

The Organians were a plague who violated the Klingon right of conquest. Although we should be celebrating their departure, those mewling beacons of pacifism could not be bothered to share the reason for their disappearance with lesser beings such as ourselves, so we are forced to investigate this mystery ourselves, launching probes at spatial anomalies. Probes! This mission would insult a child.

A little over 6 light-hours from the Organian system...

So this is the best that the Academy could produce. Pitiful.

This mission might prove challenging for a child, so perhaps you will not completely disgrace yourself. The Organians have recently vanished. Near the Organian system is a large space-time anomaly. You are to scan the anomaly and launch a probe near it.

It is possible that Federation vessels may be present in the system. Find out what they know, one way or another.

Now go out there, and act like a Klingon.

A Hole in Time and Space, Part I

Commander's War Record
We are engaged in a mission whose purpose is unclear. But Klingons enjoy embracing the unknown and conquering it. The Lyrans will fall. The justification of this mission is unclear, but the objective is to capture a Lyran ship.

Wormholes have opened into distant corners of Lyran and Hydran space, providing the Black Fleet with a unique opportunity.

This mission has two phases. In phase one, you travel through the wormhole, arriving in a newly discovered system where the Lyrans are mining dilithium. Intelligence believes there are two light vessels in the system. Capture one, destroy the other, then return through the wormhole. We'll brief you on Phase Two when you return.

A Hole in Time and Space, Part II

Commander's War Record
The Hydrans are a race of three legged, methane breathing, marginally evolved slugs. We are posing as a Lyran, and using a freighter to destroy a Hydran base. This will reignite the old hatred between the Hydrans and the race that once occupied them.

You will transfer operations to the captured vessel and pose as a Lyran on a raid in Hydran space. You will take the Lyran vessel and a freighter loaded with fusion bombs through a second wormhole, and enter a system near the Lyran-Hydran border. Here, you will protect the freighter until it rams a Hydran space station. Once the station has been destroyed, you will return through the wormhole.

If you succeed, the balance of power in the quadrant will be changed for the better.

Paradise By the Disruptor Light

Commander's War Record
Treason is the ultimate insult against those who faithfully serve in difficult circumstances. I do not know if the recent raids are the actions of traitors, or incompetents who have lost their ships, but regardless of the cause, I shall be their executioner.

Klingon High Command is quite upset. A week ago, three Klingon Birds of Prey entered a wormhole and vanished without a trace.

Two days ago, however, these ships appeared out of nowhere, attacked the Golrek shipyard and stole the components for Klingon defense platforms. They did not answer any hails.

Your mission is to determine what happened to those ships: to return them and their crews to Klingon space, and to punish them for criminal behavior if they have mutinied.

The Cloak of Night

Commander's War Record
Technology has always been a coward's way of trying to match a warrior's prowess. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to destroy some anti-cloaking technology, a threat to the security of the Klingon empire.

One of our neighbors is researching anti-cloaking technology. If this technology is allowed to develop, it could threaten Klingon interests. Fortunately, a wormhole has opened into the system where the test is taking place.

The Black Fleet needs you and a companion to travel through the wormhole to the system, find the vessel containing the anti-cloak field, destroy it, and return through the wormhole. Destroying enemy ships is also a desirable goal.

That Which Must Die

Commander's War Record
The most insidious predator ever to be brought into Klingon space is the tribble. Our mission is to find every tribble in this system and destroy them.

We have a chance to destroy one of the Empire's greatest enemies, a verminous creature that is despised by all Klingons.

We've spent years searching for a way to destroy this menace, and now a wormhole has opened into the heart of the Federation, and the enemy is open to us. It will be your proud honor, privilege, and duty to destroy the homeworld of our worst nightmare.


You will take your ship through the wormhole, head to the planet, and bombard it until it is destroyed. If any ship in the system contains a single tribble, it must be destroyed.

Go forth, and when you return, the Black Fleet will sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt!

The Devil You Know

Commander's War Record
We have been sent to rendezvous with a renegade Federation captain, a man who claims to be from a parallel universe where the Federation has more spine. High Command wants to talk about an alliance. I, of course, believe the only worthwhile alliance is with one's self.

We have a special diplomatic mission for you.

The Klingon Empire has received an interesting overture. A fleet from a parallel universe plans to overthrow the Federation and wishes to talk with us. They've arranged a secret meeting with us.

Your mission is to meet with a ship from this Imperial faction and determine whether they can be trusted - or if they're a threat to the Klingon Empire. If they threaten you, do not hesitate to destroy them.

Vanishing Act Part 1

Commander's War Record
Several key Klingon shipyards have mysteriously vanished, pulled into subspace fractures. My mission is to determine whether this is another freak accident caused by these spatial phenomena that my scientist keeps nattering about, or whether it's part of a deliberate attack on the empire.

Scan subspace fractures for any signs of Klingon shipyards. If anything is discovered, we are to follow the trail into the anomaly.

The shipyards have vanished. Although that system has been victimized by the Orions on several occasions, we do not believe ]they are responsible. There are several subspace fractures that have formed in this system.

Your mission is to scan the subspace fractures, determine whether the shipyards were pulled through, and follow them. With all of the strange phenomena in Klingon space lately, we must be vigilant. If enemies hold the shipyards, or if those who hold the shipyards have gone mad, destroy them.

Vanishing Act Part 2

Commander's War Record
This mission is to determine the allegiance of those who stole the shipyards, and if necessary, destroy them.

The shipyards have vanished. Although that system has been victimized by the Orions on several occasions, we do not believe that they are responsible. There are several subspace fractures that have formed in this system.

Your mission is to scan the subspace fractures, determine whether the shipyards were pulled through, and follow them. With all of the strange phenomena in Klingon space lately, we must be vigilant. If enemies hold the shipyards, or if those who hold the shipyards have gone mad, destroy them.

We Are The Dead

Commander's War Record
We are heading through yet another wormhole, in search of Dr. make him our captive.

With the information you uncovered on Ikyriaa, many things have become clear to us. The "ghosts" started appearing soon after the wormholes appeared, after the Organians left. We do not know the extent of Organian involvement — they were never trustworthy — but there is another individual we suspect is involved.

Dr. Kraa is a renegade, a scientist who accuses the High Council of violating the rights of our subject races, and would make us ashamed of our glorious history. He has traveled through a number of these wormholes and visited worlds destroyed long ago by the Klingon Empire. Psionic science is his specialty.

We believe that Dr. Kraa is currently in the system, accessible only by wormhole. Your mission is to go through the wormhole, find him, and bring him back alive. We need the information he possesses, and he must be punished via public trial.


Commander's War Record
Since the Klingons first took to the stars in conquest, only a handful of races have ever dared to approach our home system with a fleet of war. All have been destroyed to the last ship. Today, history shall repeat itself.

A fleet of psionically controlled warships is approaching Qo'noS. It is a formidable force, but with our prototype Psionic Disruptor, we hope to disrupt their psi abilities by capturing Praxis and transporting the Disruptor onto the surface.

The situation is grave. The enemy has passed through a wormhole to the heart of Klingon space. They have captured the Klingon moon of Praxis, our main energy supply, and possessed the automated defenses. A large fleet protects them. Automated factories are building weapons. Soon, they will be capable of wiping out Qo'noS itself. Their fleet prevents any evacuation.

We have developed a device, which, if placed on the moon, will disrupt psionics and stop production on the weapons platforms. Unfortunately, any ship not equipped with this disruptor may become possessed by the enemy. We only have a few untested prototypes at our disposal.

Your ships will be the ones to receive the prototypes. You will run the enemy gauntlet and place the disruptor on the moon. After that, destroy as many enemy ships as possible. Any possessed ship is a threat to the Empire.


Commander's War Record
I have been assigned to salvage duty. I am not in a good mood; perhaps a little battle will come our way and improve the way I feel. If we do meet an enemy, we are to scan them and beam a tracking device onboard via a successful hit and run raid on any system. I hope we find more than one.

Defend our salvage rights from intruders, and use Hit and Run raids to secretly transport homing devices into all enemies. We want to find out where they are coming from.

You should not have called Admiral Raha's wife a targ-faced hag at the last victory party. I know what bloodwine does to a man, and I know what the Mistress of the House of Rahar looks like, but even so... You have been assigned to salvage duty. Many ships were destroyed or left for dead at the recent engagement. It is your duty to go to the system, scan any the derelicts you find, and tow back any ships that are salvageable.

We believe that some enemy, probably Orion, has been scavenging parts from the battlefield sites. If you encounter any enemy ship, engage them. However, since we would like to know where the enemy is based, we would like you to scan one and beam a tracking device into the ship via a successful hit and run attack. The tracking device might prove invaluable in helping us locate the their base, any ship not so tracked, must be destroyed.

That's Not a Mission, That's Suicide!

Commander's War Record
My sensors report an odd sub-space harmonic emanating from this group within the protostar cluster, maybe I can survive this mission with my honor intact after all.

Get close to the protostars (scanning helps) to collect data about possible enemy activity.

It seems that Admiral Raha is not done with you yet. He has assigned you to a very dangerous mission that offers little chance of you dying honorably in battle.

It seems that the telemetry gained from the Lyran hybrid ships you tracked on your salvage mission have lead to signs that their may be an organized force within the W-Y-N nebula, otherwise known as the burning zone.

You are to enter the burning zone at the same location as the enemy force retreated. It is hoped that you will find clues that will lead to the location and eventually destruction of these secretive enemies.

As you know, no ship as ever returned from the burning zone, so in an effort to reduce accusations of outright murder, the Admiral has commissioned one of his own ships to be specially refitted to resist the effects of the deadly radiation that engulfs that entire region. However the protective shielding required the ship to be rendered nearly defenseless. If somehow the enemy is able to survive in the burning zone, you will have almost no chance of defending yourself.


Commander's War Record
We have met a new galactic race, and are greeting them in true Klingon fashion - with force of arms. Soon we will see whether we will sweep the WYN aside as we have done to so many others.

Do as much damage to the enemy as you can. Don't get too damaged yourself or you will die here.

Now that we've made contact with the WYN, we must initiate diplomatic relations. You will ensure that the WYN unequivocally understands that Klingon Empire is superior to all other galactic powers, and can crush them at any moment we choose!

You will travel at high warp through the radiation belt, make your way to the core, and locate and destroy their shipyards. Their resources must be limited, so destroying even a single shipyard would be a major victory. Do be aware that you can expect your ship to take some damage crossing through the Burning Zone.

Yet again, the good Admiral Raha has sponsored this mission. However, due to your bravery in your previous missions, the Admiral's first choice for the commander was rejected. Do not fail the High Councils decision to let you have this incredible honor! Three Klingon warships have been assigned to you. They are expendable, however, do not lose these ships without reason.

Remember, not only do you have to survive the Burning Zone, and destroy the shipyard, you have to return safely. Our engineers say that your hull integrity is below 50% maximum, you will be at risk of destruction on your return journey.






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Chronology SFC Timeline; Mirror Universe
Culture Great Bird of the Galaxy; Heaven; Hell; London Bridge is Falling Down;Muriyz; Soul of A'larr; ulazhi; The Usurper
Education doctor; doctorate; Klingon Academy; Kobayashi Maru scenario; psychiatrist; Starfleet Academy
Food bloodwine; gagh; omelet; raktajino; Rigilian cookies; Romulan Ale
People A'larr; Aak'Torr; Abel, Tim; Abudonni, Nhera; Accersitus; Adler, Wic; Adrokos; Afshar, Sha; Akros; Albrek; Amrasaur; Anabesh; Anaria; Andican, Jenno; Andrius; B'Aileer; B'Elzebub; B'Jinn; B'nie; Bailey, William; Bair, Tyler; Barca; Barker, Pamela; Barr, Bradley; Bartfast, Slarti; Bates, Marian; Beckwith, Carter; Bedi, Sheel; Beech, Carson; Beech, Susie; Beilstein, Heidi; Beirhoff, Rudolf; Bell, Kevin; Berdos; Bessent, Avery; Betz, Anton; Biela; Big Mike; Bikungiphar; Bilbodar; Birash; Blackeye; Blackfoot, Samuel; Blackwell; Bloodfeast; Bloodfur; Blue; Bobb, Matt; Bolmark; Bombadier; Boors, Martin; Bordrake, Tar; Borkas; Bowen, Alex; Braugh, Erin G.; Brazarlisss; Bren'vok; Brightnose; Brown, Scott; Buchert, Jacob; Bryx; Cadly, Omar; Caladislus, Teric; Caries, Barathrum; Cartwright; Casar, Carl; Castillo, Rudy; Cepek, Stefani; Chairman Meow; Chalicon; Chang, Aldrich; Chang, Grace; Charon; Chromin; Chumarr; Ciabattari, Vincent; Cilya; Clawfist; Clawraker; Contini, Lee; Corallel; Croll; Crxon; Ctalhru; Dace; Daches'tel; Dagitz; Danneskjold, Ragmar; Dardis, Caim; Dastaprawson; Dawntali; Daxar; Daylynne, Cheryl; Dbil; Decker, Matt; Decker, Matt (Mirror); Decker, Will; Decker, Will (Myriad)#SFC-M Timeline; Def the Mij; Deklash; Dentrivan; Deridex, Tafev; Desius; Dianna; Diffordetz; Dodson, Clark; Domaric, Arinius; Donati; Dorsai, Latissimus; Dronnum, Evid; Dulitan, Dapris; Dumas; Ek'rin; Ekinus; Eldath; Endicott, Jill; Ent, Christopher; Essig, Larry; Everts, Scott; Excelisss; Falimorr; Falsone, Laura; Fang; Fangwhisper; Fayzokh; Fenrehr; Ffarric; Ffirrah; Fikrohn; Findley, Tracey; Finney, Ben; Finney, Ben (Mirror); Fissk; Fizzbin; Fleming, Amy; Ford, Benjamin H.; Ford, E. Thomas; Ford, William; Forester, Champ; Fossor, Tumulorum; ]Frammk; Frannic; Fredex, Galleron; Frinkor; Frowgark; Fuggwynonhir, Hwutdi; Fugo, Candus; Fulsome, Bell; Furst, Lastnaym; G'eoss; Gabri, Ellus; Galadon; Gallion, Gary; Gapth, Hisp; Gargantaine, Droole; Gautier; Gentile, Shelly; Geuder, Jon; Ghak'zur; Glavius, Flavius; Glavius, Mal; Gloiu, Pelagius; Golash; Goldenclaw; Gorbash; Goremaker; Gorn Holy Mother; Gorst, Kand; Grag; Greymane, Felna; Grith; Grogan; Groge; Groll; Growler; Gummex; Gurn; H'ippo; Habablathh; Hadra; Hanghsth; Hanson, Greg; Harland; Harrison, Gus; Havoc, Sven; Havok; Hel-Hyan; Helfram, Pledzur; Heydt, Dorothy; Hickman, Alyssa; Higgins, John; Hiser; Hist, Hsplith; Hlyrst; Hopper, Nancy; Hopsth, Plyst; Hornberger, Jake; Horton, Gretchen; Hromuth; Hrous; Hrumlith; Hrun; Hstaphathh; Hultz; Hydra, Druthh; Hydrahysrta; Hygraphht; Hypantspts; Hyrnn, H'rol; Hyrrth; Hyspathh; Hystorpth; Hythx, Erix; Iblis; Iceclaw; Ilia; Ilia (Mirror); Jackel; Jackol; Jartrin; Jeron; Jester; Jett, Lyr; Johnson, LaFuente; Jones, Arthur; Jones, Cyrano; Jones, Jackie; Joth, Gavin; Juddult; Junger, Cole; Juridoth; K'Bol; K'Nard; K'Teh; K'trenn; Ka; Kadama; Kagan; Kagan, Sarl; Kahl; Kahless; Kaleen; Kaleo-parr; Kallon, Borzad; Kalosh; Kang; Kann; Karg; Kargan, Bocar; Karnage; Karten; Karvic; Kasomia; Kass; Kaufman, Ken; Kault; Kausuch; Keim; Kelbrim; Kelbrim, Matt; Kelix; Kelleux; Kelley, Brian; Kemas; Kenthas; Ketrick; Keyzini; Khrarrar; Kirk, James T.; Kirk, James T. (Mirror); Kleiman, Nathan; Knott, Elsie; Kobayashi, Lorna; Kor'letus; Korath; Korn; Kosnett, Phil; Kraa; Kraal; Kreiger, Roger; Krenn; Krokaa; Krotag; Kulinarr; Kumerian, Ardak; Kung; Kupnil; Kurtz; Kyljoi; Lablijepts; Lal; Lauldi, Jeffrey; Ledford, Skip; Lee; Leelun, Kay; Light, Jenela; Longclaw; Longears; Lui; M'Dras; Mad Jack; Madrasaur; Malcolm; Manthar Governor; Mao; Marcus, Lennardi; Martin, Gayle; Martin, Jamie; Maxillius; Maximus; McBride, Mackensie; McCullens, Louise; McKenna, Jennifer; McLaughlin, Connor; M'row; Mellencamp, Hud; Mellis, Mel; Mergele, Edwin; Mkritz; Modavius; Montag; Moreska; Mudd, Harry; N'Drersen, L'afe; Naes, Leikeze; Narak; Nashar; Nem'sir; Nemesarr; Nexslis; Nimitz, Gary; Nope, Keith; Nordikal; Norris, Roe; Nu, Gwen; O'Bannon, Marcia; O'Kay, Deth; O'Leary, Megan; Obitztor; Octavianius; Oomph; Orsanion, Cherov; Osterman, Valeri; Ovirapt; Oxinamicus; Ozzymand; Pak-tarr; Pawwhisper; Perrzear; Pfrizzek; Pfroshor; Phliss, Styopa; Phoenix; Pi-Jui, Harry; Pilerk; Plesio; Plinne, Marrio; Pltzvltz; Pluzx; Plyathhapbast; Plytth; Powdwan; Prozhoti; Purple Sonja; Pvath; Pylghht; Pyskof; Qezl; Qismet; Qoph, Trisp; Qosian; Quamtiron; Quarasss; Quarglespurth; Quazurr; QuickFang; Raask; Ragha; Raha; Rallie, Oliver; Rama; Rambnkziz; Ramsey, Chris; Rankin, Mike; Redbeard; Regis; Remus; Rexus; Ricca, Neil; Ringtail; Rippke; Rising Eagle; Robbins, Laura; Roberts, Corkie; Rolindra; Rook; Rose, Matthew; Ross, John; Rossitus; Rowrt; Roy, David; Ruk-pak; Ruzzabot; Ryan, John; S'Arnth; S'Gundern; S'kuss; S'kuzz; S'Leuthold; S'loth; S'puth; S'staph; S'Teken; S'Toval; S'Trenk; S'zatan; Samsusss; Sandavia; Sandcat; Saurussa; Savak; Sazzafraz; Schonfelder, Dick; Sclumpts; Scott, Jorge; Sectarius, Donarius; Semprinnius; Sempritenitus; Senex, Diruo; Sharpclaw; Sharptooth; Sherman, Indian; Silverman, Israel; Simon; Skardal; Skaxzss; Skizzerd; Skullsplit; Skzowitz; Slistaxss; Slitche; Soderlund, Hansel; Sokras; Soran; Sorbok; Sorek; Sorel; Spencer, Keith; Spon; Ssender; Sshennok; Ssist; Sskulli; Sslack; Sslith; Sslith, Rexus; Sss'rex; Ssslithisss; Ssulluss; Stanislaus; Steenberge, Daniel; Steiner, Reinhart; Stocker, Anthony; Stoddard, Ransom; Suberus, Starn; Sullivan, Thomas; Sutton, Wallace; Surek; Szaastul; Szasz; T'Flok; T'Jan; T'Val; T'Vek; Takamura, Henry; Taksulus, Andros; Tal, Marcus; Taladur; Tama; Tarkas, Tars; Tartessos; Taylor, Mark; Teagarden, Heidi; Tekla; Temujin; Tenet, George; Thalman, K'enn; Thickfur; Thomas, Evan; Thorn; Thragg; Thrasslith; Thrichduk; Tiercellus, Marcus; Tkorrick, Talon; Todd, Anne; Toops, Hoors; Torius; Tormillius; Torvar, Linnus; Tragar; Trium, Artemis; Turnquist, Roger; Turren, Sirhc; Ty; Tyran; Tyrano; Ulman, Erin; Umphra; Usss; Valgras, Karth; Vallius, Vrac; Vek-Nor; Vendemiatrix; Ventribarr; Vermatrix; Vex; Vickers, Paul; Vladamir; Volandus, Nerok; Volinna; Vrek, Torindar; W'rkssm'n; Walsh, Johnathon; Weeks, Jeremy; Wei, Ellen; Wellby, Mark; Wellington, Darius; Whitetip; Winslow, Parker; Withers, Connie; Witters, David; Wood, Amber; Wotan; Wright, Kelly; Xiphius Navigo; Ya-jue, Fu; Yarr-tree; YnrohKeeg; Ynygma; Yvet; Zahn; Zaob; Zaowgron; Zarab; Zaur; Zerhk; Zern; Zool; Zor; Zorilluth; Zul, Hissar; Zurdl, Hrdox; Zralluth
Politics Battle of Britain; Black Fleet; Defender of the Egg; espionage; Federation Council; Gorn Confederation; Gorn Houses (House of Manthar); Grugwan Brand of Valor; Hydran Kingdom; Iron Fang Clan; Keepership; King of Gihdahr; Klingon Empire; Klingon High Council; Klingon Houses (House of Rahar); Lyran Star Empire; mutiny; Red Claw Clan; Romulan Ranks (Sub-Commander, Commander, Sub-Admiral); Romulan Senate; Romulan Star Empire; Starfleet; Starfleet Intelligence; Starfleet Marines; Starfleet Ranks (Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Starfleet Captain, Commodore, Rear Admiral); Starfleet Special Task Force; Tal Prai'ex; Tal Shi'ar; Terran Empire; treason; Treaty of Cestus; United Federation of Planets; WYN cluster
Science & Technology agony booth; asteroid; asteroid belt; blood; cloaking device; communicator; computer; dilithium; disruptors; Doomsday Machine; drones; eggs; expanding sphere generator; fusion beam; fusion bomb; Hellbore; hydrogen; impulse drive; ionic projector; listening post; mining; nanotechnology; nova mine; nuclear fusion; parallel universes; pharmaceuticals; phasers; photon torpedo; plasma torpedo; probes; protostar; psionic disruptor; psychiatry; radiation; self-destruct; sensors; shields; subspace; telepathy; tetryon; tractor beam; trans-dimensional stellar amalgam; transporter; warp drive; warp nacelle; wormhole
Ships & Vehicles U.S.S. Abercrombie; I.K.V. Abomination; Ace of Spades; Aces and Eights; R.I.S. Acheron; U.S.S. Adad NCC-515; I.K.V. Adamant; I.K.V. Adept; Advancer; R.I.S. Adversary; U.S.S. Agamemnon NCC-2257; U.S.S. Agincourt NCC-1601; H.M.S. Agony; U.S.S. Ahriman NCC-513; H.M.S. Airguild; Akula class; U.S.S. Alabama NCC-1502; I.K.V. Alacrity; U.S.S. Alamo; U.S.S. Alaric NCC-503; U.S.S. Alesia NCC-1732; U.S.S. Alexander NCC-511; Alleycat class; U.S.S. Alfeld NCC-1741; U.S.S. Aliyah NCC-1537; R.I.S. Allegiance; U.S.S. Alliance NCC-2113; R.I.S. Amberwing; Ambush Pass; Ambusher; I.K.F. Amelko; I.K.F. Grolika Amelko; Anaconda class; H.M.S. Anarchist; I.K.V. Anarchist; I.K.V. Anarchy; R.I.S. Anger; Angler; H.M.S. Anguish; I.K.V. Annihilation; R.I.S. Annihilation; I.K.V. Antagonist; Apache class; I.S.S. Apollo (Mirror); U.S.S. Apollo; R.I.S. Aquila; U.S.S. Arafat NCC-802; U.S.S. Arbela NCC-1649; I.K.V. Archer; I.K.V. Ardent; I.K.V. Arduous; U.S.S. Ardzinba; U.S.S. Ares NCC-520; U.S.S. Ares NCC-2151; U.S.S. Ari NCC-1723; R.I.S. Aries; H.M.S. Aristocrat; Arrogance; R.I.S. Arrow; Artful Dodger; H.M.S. Ascendent; U.S.S. Assad NCC-863; Assassin class; H.M.S. Assassin; Assaulter; U.S.S. Assawari NCC-1538; R.I.S. Astra Volantis; Astro-Miner; U.S.S. Atilla NCC-523; U.S.S. Atlanta NCC-1663; I.K.V. Atrocity; I.K.V. Atropos; I.K.V. Attack; I.K.V. Attacker; H.M.S. Attitude; U.S.S. Auchinlek NCC-403; R.I.S. Audacia; I.K.V. Audacious; I.K.V. Audacity; R.I.S. Audax; R.I.S. Auspex; U.S.S. Austerlitz NCC-1742; U.S.S. Australia NCC-1752; H.M.S. Autumn Shadow; I.K.V. Avenger; R.I.S. Avenger; I.K.V. Aversion; R.I.S. Avian Fury; R.I.S. Avion; R.I.S. Axe; I.K.V. Axe Champion; I.K.V. Axe Chieftain; I.K.V. Axe Demon; I.K.V. Axe Destroyer; I.K.V. Axe Killer; I.K.V. Axe Leader; I.K.V. Axe Lord; I.K.V. Axe Slayer; I.K.V. Axe Soldier; I.K.V. Axe Warrior; I.K.V. Axe Wielder; I.K.V. Axemaster; U.S.S. Azov NCC-1515; U.S.S. Azrael NCC-517; H.M.S. Azure Dawn; B-10 class; B-11 class; U.S.S. Baba Yaga NCC-1519; Babylon; U.S.S. Babylon NCC-2125; U.S.S. Bailey; U.S.S. Bailiff; I.K.V. Bakurian; R.I.S. Ballista; U.S.S. Ballista NCC-1603; H.M.S. Bandit; I.K.V. Bandit; Bandit; U.S.S. Banksism; G.C.S. Barb; Barbarian; I.K.V. Barbarous; Baron class; H.M.S. Baron Hakar; H.M.S. Baron Hapis; H.M.S. Baron Homta; U.S.S. Barr NCC-1604; H.M.S. Barrister; I.K.V. Barracuda; U.S.S. Barzani; U.S.S. Basra NCC-1750; Bastaga; Bastaga II; Bastaga IV; Bastaga LXIX; Bastaga LXXI; Bastaga LXXII; Batteries Included; I.K.V. Battle; I.K.V. Battle Champion; I.K.V. Battle Chariot; I.K.V. Battle Chieftain; Battle Claw; I.K.V. Battle Cry; I.K.V. Battle Demon; I.K.V. Battle Destroyer; I.K.V. Battle Dog; I.K.V. Battle Dragon; I.K.V. Battle Fire; I.K.V. Battle killer; I.K.V. Battle King; I.K.V. Battle Leader; I.K.V. Battle Lord; I.K.V. Battle Soldier; I.K.V. Battle Song; I.K.V. Battle Storm; I.K.V. Battle Sword; I.K.V. Battle Wind; I.K.V. Battleaxe; Battlecharge; Battlehawk class; I.K.V. Battlemaster; I.K.V. Battleraker; I.K.V. Battle's Fire; Battle's Heart; I.K.V. Battlestalker; Battlewidow; R.I.S. Battlewing; U.S.S. Bear; I.K.V. Beast; G.C.S. Beasticon; U.S.S. Beaty NCC-308; U.S.S. Begin NCC-801; R.I.S. Behemoth; U.S.S. Beijing NCC-1657; U.S.S. Belknap NCC-1811; Bengal Tiger class; U.S.S. Berlin NCC-1658; U.S.S. Berserker NCC-2507; R.I.S. Betrayal; R.I.S. Bird of Pulsar's Light; Bismark class; U.S.S. Bismarck NCC-1761; Black Ace; R.I.S. Black Death; Black Ghost; Black Guard; Black Heart; Black Jaguar class; G.C.S. Black Rhino; Blackened Heart; I.K.V. Blackguard; Blackjack; I.K.V. Blackstar; G.C.S. Blade; Bladecaster; Blademaster; Blasphemer; Blaze of Glory; I.K.V. Blood Champion; I.K.V. Blood Chariot; I.K.V. Blood Chieftain; I.K.V. Blood Demon; I.K.V. Blood Destroyer; I.K.V. Blood Fire; I.K.V. Blood Killer; I.K.V. Blood Leader; I.K.V. Blood Lord; I.K.V. Blood Lust; Blood Red Fang; I.K.V. Blood Slayer; I.K.V. Blood Soldier; I.K.V. Blood Storm; I.K.V. Blood Sword; Blooddrinker; Bloodfang; Bloodfeast; Bloodguard; R.I.S. Bloodhawk; Bloodhound; I.K.V. Bloodmaster; I.K.V. Bloodsheder; Bloodshredder; Bloodspiller; R.I.S. Bloodtalon; R.I.S. Bloodwing; Bloody Gloves; R.I.S. Blue Victory; Bold Fortune; Bold Salesman; Bold Venture; Bon Homme; U.S.S. Bon Homme Richard NCC-1712; G.C.S. Bonecrusher; I.S.S. Boston (Mirror); U.S.S. Boston; R.I.S. Bow; Boxman; I.K.V. Brave; R.I.S. Bravery; H.M.S. Brazen; U.S.S. Brigham Young NCC-526; R.I.S. Bright Hawk; Broadside; Broadsword; I.K.V. Brutality; R.I.S. Maximus Brutus; U.S.S. Buenos Aires NCC-1660; U.S.S. Buford NCC-400; Buffalo Hunter class; U.S.S. Bunker Hill NCC-1767; Burgler; U.S.S. Burke NCC-301; Burning Carrier; Burning Claw; Burning Mother; Burning Path; Burning Stone; U.S.S. Bush NCC-851; U.S.S. Buthelezi; C-7 class; C-8 class; C-9 class; C-10 class; U.S.S. Cadwalader; R.I.S. Caelum; U.S.S. Calgary NCC-1664; Call of the Wild; R.I.S. Camulod; Cancelled Check; R.I.S. Canis; U.S.S. Cannae NCC-1731; Canopious; Capital Running; U.S.S. Capitalism; H.M.S. Capitulation; Captain Courage; Captain of the Hunt; Captivity; U.S.S. Cardott NCC-420; Cargoship A140; Cargoship A336; Cargoship A686; Cargoship A1001; Cargoship A2163; Cargoship A7725; Cargoship B23; Cargoship B256; Cargoship B273; Cargoship B985; Cargoship B1101; Cargoship B9213; Cargoship C094; Cargoship C0239; Cargoship C875; Cargoship C1000; Cargoship C1024; Cargoship C9283; Cargoship D0001; Cargoship D3; Cargoship D095; Cargoship D312; Cargoship D512; Cargoship D9539; Cargoship E0010; Cargoship E21; Cargoship E32; Cargoship E295; Cargoship E684; Cargoship E4644; Cargoship F62; Cargoship F64; Cargoship F0100; Cargoship F360; Cargoship F809; Cargoship F990; Cargoship G57; Cargoship G094; Cargoship G128; Cargoship G660; Cargoship G1111; Cargoship G3342; Cargoship H16; Cargoship H75; Cargoship H123; Cargoship H770; Cargoship H1011; Cargoship H8952; Cargoship I8; Cargoship I94; Cargoship I550; Cargoship I784; Cargoship I912; Cargoship I1110; I.K.V. Carnage; R.I.S. Carniflex; I.K.V. Carnivorous; U.S.S. Cassini NCC-3824; Cast Iron; H.M.S. Castle; Castratica; H.M.S. Cat Killer; H.M.S. Cat Slayer; Cataclysm; I.K.V. Cataclysm; Cataphract class; H.M.S. Cataphract; I.K.V. Catapult; R.I.S. Catapult; Catcher; Catnip; U.S.S. Cavalier NCC-2508; G.C.S. Cave Finder; G.C.S. Cave Fire; Cave Lion class; G.C.S. Cave Protector; H.M.S. Celerity; R.I.S. Centaurii; G.C.S. Centrosaurus; R.I.S. Centurion Rogallus; Ceon; U.S.S. Cetshwayo NCC-353; R.I.S. Cetus; U.S.S. Chadwick NCC-350; Chainmail; U.S.S. Chaka NCC-352; I.K.V. Challenger; R.I.S. Challenger; U.S.S. Chamberlain NCC-411; G.C.S. Chamelicon; G.C.S. Champion; R.I.S. Champion; H.M.S. Chancellor; U.S.S. Chandalar NCC-1594; H.M.S. Charger; U.S.S. Charlemagne NCC-530; U.S.S. Charleston NCC-1802; U.S.S. Chaudhry; Cheetah class; I.K.F. Chekz Kortosh; Cheyenne class; U.S.S. Chicago NCC-1651; I.K.V. Chieftain; U.S.S. Chilingutila; G.C.S. Chimericon; U.S.S. Chissano; Chopper; Chotiska; G.C.S. Chromaticon; G.C.S. Chromaticon Rex; U.S.S. Churchill NCC-307; H.M.S. Citadel; G.C.S. Clan Provider; U.S.S. Clancy NCC-1585; R.I.S. Clarescere; G.C.S. Claw; R.I.S. Claw; Claw Captain; Clawrunner; Claw's Voice; U.S.S. Clausewitz NCC-1580; Claymore; U.S.S. Cleveland NCC-1803; Climer; U.S.S. Clinton NCC-862; I.K.V. Cloudburst; G.C.S. Cloudfire; R.I.S. Coalition; COD; R.I.S. Cohort; G.C.S. Coil; R.I.S. Colossus; Comanche class; H.M.S. Commando; Commando Eagle class; Commando Hawk class; Commando Hunter class; Commando Lancer class; U.S.S. Concordat NCC-2109; H.M.S. Concept; Condor class; I.K.V. Conflict; I.K.V. Conqueror; R.I.S. Conqueror; I.K.V. Conquest; U.S.S. Consortium NCC-2119; U.S.S. Constabulary; U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017; Constitution class; U.S.S. Constitution NCC-1700; R.I.S. Consul; U.S.S. Contempt; U.S.S. Copernicus NCC-3815; U.S.S. Coral Sea NCC-1737; R.I.S. Corvus; Count class; H.M.S. Count Fidelity; H.M.S. Count Horizon; H.M.S. Count Methane; I.K.V. Courageous; I.K.V. Covertscout; U.S.S. Coyle NCC-1586; Crashing Snow; H.M.S. Creeping Spectre; U.S.S. Cristiani NCC-866; I.K.V. Crossbow; R.I.S. Crossbow; G.C.S. Crotalian; R.I.S. Crown Hawk; Crusader class; G.C.S. Crusader; I.K.V. Crusher; Cuirassier class; Culprit; U.S.S. Custer; Cutpurse; Cutter; R.I.S. Cygnus; U.S.S. Czar Alexander IV NCC-528; D-5 class; D-6 class; D-7 class; D'plo; R.I.S. Dagger; Dagger Warning; U.S.S. Dana; Dandy Warrior; Danger; I.K.V. Dareslayer; U.S.S. Darius NCC-502; I.K.V. Darkness; I.K.V. Darkraker; I.K.V. Darkslayer; I.K.V. Darkstalker; R.I.S. Darkwing; I.K.V. Dasher; I.K.V. Dawnraker; I.K.V. Dawnslayer; I.K.V. Dawnstalker; U.S.S. Dayton NCC-1653; U.S.S. Dayton NCC-1804; U.S.S. De Gaulle NCC-311; U.S.S. De Ruyter NCC-1528; Deadfall; Dealcrasher; Dear Kelebrim; I.K.V. Death; I.K.V. Death Angel; I.K.V. Death Champion; I.K.V. Death Chant; I.K.V. Death Chariot; I.K.V. Death Chieftain; I.K.V. Death Cry; I.K.V. Death Demon; I.K.V. Death Destroyer; I.K.V. Death Killer; I.K.V. Death Lord; I.K.V. Death Soldier; I.K.V. Death Song; G.C.S. Death Stomp; I.K.V. Death Storm; I.K.V. Death Sword; G.C.S. Death Tongue; G.C.S. Death Wail; I.K.V. Death Warrior; I.K.V. Death Wielder; I.K.V. Death Wind; G.C.S. Death's Eye; G.C.S. Death's Head; G.C.S. Death's Heart; G.C.S. Deathbeast; Deathblow (Lyran); Deathblow (Orion); Deathbringer; Deathcat; Deathdealer; I.K.V. Deathmaster; I.K.V. Deathraker; I.K.V. Deathscout; I.K.V. Deathslayer; I.K.V. Deathstalker; R.I.S. Deathtalon; Deathwing; R.I.S. Deathwound; R.I.S. Deceit; I.K.V. Decimation; R.I.S. Decimation; I.K.V. Decimator; I.K.V. Deedslayer; I.K.V. Deepslayer; U.S.S. Defence NCC-1531; H.M.S. Defender; I.K.V. Defender; Defender of the Race; Defiance; R.I.S. Defiance; U.S.S. Defiance NCC-1717; I.K.V. Defiant; Defiler; I.K.V. Defiler; I.K.V. Deftraker; I.K.V. Deftslayer; U.S.S. Degrasse NCC-345; R.I.S. Delphinus; I.K.V. Demolisher; Demon Star; I.K.V. Demonfire; I.K.V. Demonraker; I.K.V. Demonslayer; I.K.V. Demonstalker; H.M.S. Dependable; U.S.S. Deputy; I.K.V. Desecration; I.K.V. Desolation; I.K.V. Despicable; I.K.V. The Destroyer; Destruction; I.K.V. Destruction; H.M.S. Determination; R.I.S. Determination; I.K.V. Determined; I.K.V. Devastation; I.K.V. Devastator; I.K.V. Devilraker; I.K.V. Devil's Anvil; I.K.V. Devilslayer; I.K.V. Devilstalker; I.K.V. Devisor; I.K.V. Devoted; U.S.S. Dewey NCC-344; Diamond Lover; I.K.V. Dimslayer; H.M.S. Direction; U.S.S. Directorate NCC-2110; I.K.V. Direslayer; R.I.S. Dirk; I.K.V. Dirkslayer; I.K.V. Dismay; I.K.V. Divineslayer; Djinn of the Desert; Dodger; U.S.S. Dolittle NCC-341; U.S.S. Domination NCC-2128; H.M.S. Dominator; U.S.S. Donitz NCC-331; I.K.V. Doom Champion; I.K.V. Doom Chant; I.K.V. Doom Chariot; I.K.V. Doom Chieftain; I.K.V. Doom Cry; I.K.V. Doom Destroyer; I.K.V. Doom Killer; I.K.V. Doom Leader; I.K.V. Doom Lord; I.K.V. Doom Soldier; I.K.V. Doom Song; I.K.V. Doom Sword; I.K.V. Doom Warrior; I.K.V. Doom Wind; G.C.S. Doomlizard; Doomsday Machine; I.K.V. Doomslayer; R.I.S. Dorado; U.S.S. Dostam NCC-837; Double Cross; Double Fun; Double Pleasure; G.C.S. Double Thunder; I.K.V. Doubtslayer; I.K.V. Dourslayer; R.I.S. Draco; G.C.S. Draco Norbus; G.C.S. Draconiad; G.C.S. Draconian; G.C.S. Drago; I.K.V. Dragon Champion; I.K.V. Dragon Chariot; I.K.V. Dragon Chieftain; I.K.V. Dragon Claw; I.K.V. Dragon Cry; I.K.V. Dragon Destroyer; I.K.V. Dragon Fire; I.K.V. Dragon Honor; I.K.V. Dragon Killer; I.K.V. Dragon King; I.K.V. Dragon Leader; I.K.V. Dragon Lord; G.C.S. Dragon of Three Stars; I.K.V. Dragon Scale; I.K.V. Dragon Soldier; I.K.V. Dragon Song; I.K.V. Dragon Sword; I.K.V. Dragon Tooth; G.C.S. Dragonbane; Dragonfire; G.C.S. Dragonfire; G.C.S. Dragonicon; G.C.S. Dragonicon Rex; G.C.S. Dragon's Breath; G.C.S. Dragon's Destiny; G.C.S. Dragon's Fire; G.C.S. Dragon's Heart; I.K.V. Dragonslayer; Dragoon class; U.S.S. Dragnet; U.S.S. Drake NCC-305; G.C.S. Drakeicon; G.C.S. Drakorra; I.K.V. Dreadness; I.K.V. Dreadslayer; I.K.V. Dreamraker; I.K.V. Dreamstalker; I.K.V. Droitslayer; U.S.S. Dudayev; I.K.V. Duelslayer; U.S.S. Dukain; U.S.S. Dunnigan NCC-324; U.S.S. Duster; E-4 class; E-6 class; G.C.S. Eaglebane; Earl class; H.M.S. Earl Hakikki; H.M.S. Earl Hives; H.M.S. Earl Horta; U.S.S. Eaton; H.M.S. Eclipse; Eiger Sanction; U.S.S. Eisenhower NCC-534; U.S.S. El Dorado NCC-1722; U.S.S. Elevator Up; U.S.S. Elliot Ness; G.C.S. Emperor of the Sky; G.C.S. Emperor's Glory; Enchantress; U.S.S. Endeavor NCC-1716; H.M.S. Endothermic; G.C.S. Enemy Crusher; Enemy's Blood King; Enforcer; Enforcer Lord; R.I.S. Enormity; U.S.S. Enright NCC-474; U.S.S. Entente NCC-2120; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A; Entrails; H.M.S. Entropy; H.M.S. Epee; R.I.S. Equus; G.C.S. Eradicator; U.S.S. Essex NCC-1727; H.M.S. Ether Spirit; U.S.S. Etzel NCC-509; U.S.S. Euro; Euromastyx class; U.S.S. Evert's Joy; G.C.S. Eviscerator; I.K.V. Eviscerator; H.M.S. Exactitude; H.M.S. Excalibur; U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-1705; G.C.S. Excellence; U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-1718; U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000; R.I.S. Exchange; Exchange of Goods; Executioner class; R.I.S. Executioner's Song; U.S.S. Exeter NCC-1706; R.I.S. Exidium; H.M.S. Exile; U.S.S. Eximer NCC-1019; H.M.S. Exolthermic; F-5 class; F-6 class; F-007; F-52; F-128; F-240; F-256; F-1024; F-2001; F-3001; F-4562; F-7740; F-17832; F-034590; F-41232; F-053030; F-090828; F-100100; F-0101597; F-120101; F-0405098; F-Pi; U.S.S. Fadlallah; G.C.S. Fafnir; R.I.S. Falchion; R.I.S. Falcon; G.C.S. Fang; Far Stars Pride; U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1702; Fasting's Call; R.I.S. Fate's Flyer; R.I.S. Fate's Hand; G.C.S. Father of War; Fear Render; Fear Quaker; I.K.V. Fearless; R.I.S. Fearless; G.C.S. Fearless Dragon; U.S.S. Federation NCC-2100; U.S.S. Federation NCC-2126; U.S.S. Federation-Ex; G.C.S. Ferocious; Fencer; Fetcher; I.K.V. Ferocity; Fencer; Ferocious; Felonious; Fence; R.I.S. Fendere; R.I.S. Fervently; U.S.S. Fencer NCC-2505; R.I.S. Ficuda; I.K.V. Fiend; Fighter; fighters; Filcher; Final Blow; Final Cut; G.C.S. Final Strike; R.I.S. Finality; I.K.V. Fire; I.K.V. Fire Air; I.K.V. Fire Angel; I.K.V. Fire Champion; I.K.V. Fire Chariot; I.K.V. Fire Chieftain; I.K.V. Fire Cry; I.K.V. Fire Demon; I.K.V. Fire Destroyer; I.K.V. Fire Dog; I.K.V. Fire Dragon; Fire Hawk class; R.I.S. Fire Hawk; I.K.V. Fire Hound; I.K.V. Fire Killer; I.K.V. Fire King; I.K.V. Fire Leader; G.C.S. Fire Lizard; I.K.V. Fire Lord; I.K.V. Fire Lust; I.K.V. Fire Slayer; I.K.V. Fire Soldier; I.K.V. Fire Song; I.K.V. Fire Starter; I.K.V. Fire Storm; I.K.V. Fire Sword; I.K.V. Fire Warrior; I.K.V. Fire Wielder; I.K.V. Fire Wind; Firecat; Fireclaw; G.C.S. Firedrake; R.I.S. Firefly; H.M.S. Fireguild; Firekitten; I.K.V. Fireraker; I.K.V. Firestalker; Firestar; I.K.V. Firestar; R.I.S. Firewing; G.C.S. First Strike; Fist and Claw; Firing Squad; Fist of Power; H.M.S. Flagcarrier; G.C.S. Flame; Flaming; Flashpan; I.K.F. Fleet Transport; G.C.S. Fleshharrower; Flying Dagger; Flying Fish; R.I.S. Flying Fish; I.K.V. Focus; H.M.S. Foil; G.C.S. Footfall; U.S.S. Ford NCC-1533; Foremost Hunter; R.I.S. Forgiveness; R.I.S. Formidable; U.S.S. Forrest NCC-1762; H.M.S. Fort; R.I.S. Fortis; R.I.S. Fortiter; H.M.S. Fortitude; H.M.S. Fortress; Fortune Royale; Fraticide; Frazikar; Free Spirit; Freedom; G.C.S. Freedom; R.I.S. Frenzy; Frightful Foe; Full House; Full Speed Ahead; Full Trick; Furious; I.K.V. Furious; R.I.S. Furious; I.K.V. Furious Fighter; Fury; I.K.V. Fury; R.I.S. Fury; H.M.S. Futile Fury; G-2 class; G.C.S. Galaga; U.S.S. Galilei NCC-3808; R.I.S. Galley; G.C.S. Galnitak; U.S.S. Galtieri NCC-861; U.S.S. Gatekeeper; U.S.S. Gaugamela NCC-1748; G.C.S. Gdhar; U.S.S. Gemayal; R.I.S. Gemini; H.M.S. Gendarme; U.S.S. Gendarme; U.S.S. Genghis NCC-501; U.S.S. Gettysburg NCC-1728; H.M.S. Ghost; R.I.S. Ghost Bird; U.S.S. Gil; Gir Lion class; R.I.S. Gladius; R.I.S. Glaive; R.I.S. Gloriosus; I.K.V. Glorious; G.C.S. Glorious Comeback; Glory; I.K.V. Glory; Gloryfire; Gloryhound; I.K.V. Gnasher; U.S.S. Gneisenau NCC-1509; Goblin; Godfather class; H.M.S. Godkiller; H.M.S. Godmaker; G.C.S. Godzilla; U.S.S. Goeben NCC-1018; U.S.S. Glorie NCC-1530; G.C.S. Gojira; U.S.S. Golan NCC-1740; U.S.S. Golda Meir NCC-525; Golden Crown; R.I.S. Golden Hawk; U.S.S. Golden Nuggets; Goldenspear; G.C.S. Golitho; U.S.S. Gorbachev NCC-853; R.I.S. Gorgon's Breath; G.C.S. Gormwest; G.C.S. Gorrion; I.K.F. Gorvis Kormlin; Gothic; H.M.S. Governess; Graf Spee; U.S.S. Graf Spee NCC-1801; G.C.S. Grand Finale; H.M.S. Grandee; U.S.S. Grant NCC-869; U.S.S. Gravelotte NCC-1734; Grendel class; Grief Giver; U.S.S. Grissom NCC-1545; U.S.S. Grochenko NCC-1518; H.M.S. Grognard; U.S.S. Gromykii NCC-1517; U.S.S. Gross Details; U.S.S. Groton NCC-1535; G.C.S. Groundfire; G.C.S. Groundpounder; U.S.S. Groznyy NCC-1516; R.I.S. Grus; R.I.S. Gryfalcon; H.M.S. Guard Captain; I.K.V. Guardian; U.S.S. Guderian NCC-323; H.M.S. Guide; U.S.S. Guirierre NCC-1805; U.S.S. Gusmao; R.I.S. Gyphon; I.K.V. Hailstorm; U.S.S. Hall NCC-420; U.S.S. Halley NCC-3833; U.S.S. Hamilcar NCC-518; U.S.S. Hannibal NCC-512; I.K.V. Harasser; G.C.S. Harmony; U.S.S. Harrier NCC-2250; R.I.S. Harrower; H.M.S. Harus; U.S.S. Harwood NCC-335; U.S.S. Hashishiyun NCC-516; U.S.S. Hastings NCC-1621; R.I.S. Hathcock; I.K.V. Havoc; R.I.S. Havoc; R.I.S. Hawk; U.S.S. Hawking NCC-3805; Headhunter; H.M.S. Headmaster; Heartbreaker; Heart of Glory; Heaven's Fall; Heavensent; Heavy Marauder class; Heavyhanded; U.S.S. Hekmatyar NCC-832; Hellcat class; Hellraiser class; I.K.V. Hellraker; I.K.V. Hellstalker; G.C.S. Hero; I.K.V. Hero of Zursk; U.S.S. Hiawatha NCC-522; I.K.V. Hidden; Hidden Carrier; I.K.V. Hidden Death; Hidden Mother; Hidden Path; Hidden Stone; I.K.V. Hidden Strike; H.M.S. Hierarchy; U.S.S. Higgens NCC-410; Highstrike; Highwayman; U.S.S. Highwayman NCC-2503; Hipper; U.S.S. Hipper NCC-317; U.S.S. Hired Runs; Hitman; U.S.S. Holiday; U.S.S. Holmes; G.C.S. Homeland Vindicator; Homeworld Defender; R.I.S. Honesty; R.I.S. Honor Wound; Hood; U.S.S. Hood NCC-1707; G.C.S. Horn; G.C.S. Horned Rhino; R.I.S. Hornet; U.S.S. Hornet NCC-1714; I.K.V. Horror; Horseman class; H.M.S. Horseman; U.S.S. Hosegawa NCC-348; R.I.S. Hospadar; R.I.S. Hostility; Housecat; U.S.S. Howland NCC-1768; H.M.S. Hullcrusher; U.S.S. Hun Sen; Hunter class; Hunter (Lyran); Hunter (Orion); G.C.S. Hunter; I.K.V. Hunter; G.C.S. Hunter Two Legs; Hunter's Breath; Hunter's Domain; Hunter's Tears; H.M.S. Hurtle; H.M.S. Hydra; H.M.S. Hydraguild; H.M.S. Hydran God; H.M.S. Hydran Lord; H.M.S. Hydrax; H.M.S. Hydraxius; H.M.S. Hylan; H.M.S. Hypothesis; H.M.S. Idea; Impaler; R.I.S. Impavidus; R.I.S. Imperator; R.I.S. Imperator Maximus; R.I.S. Imperator Rex; R.I.S. Imperator Titanicus; Imperia; R.I.S. Imperial Behemoth; G.C.S. Imperial Defender; R.I.S. Imperial Fist; R.I.S. Imperial Gorgon; R.I.S. Imperial Hawk; R.I.S. Imperial Medusa; R.I.S. Imperial Might; G.C.S. Imperial Protector; R.I.S. Imperial Triumph; R.I.S. Imperiosus; G.C.S. Imperius Rex; R.I.S. Incepteris; U.S.S. Inchon NCC-1738; R.I.S. Inclutus; I.K.V. Incomparable; H.M.S. Indeterable; H.M.S. Indeterminable; I.K.V. Indisputable; H.M.S. Ineluctable; I.K.V. Inevitable; H.M.S. Inexorable; Infidel; R.I.S. Infinity; Inflammatory; I.K.V. Insatiable; Inside Straight; H.M.S. Insociable; I.K.V. Insolent; H.M.S. Insouciant; H.M.S. Inspiration; H.M.S. Instancy; H.M.S. Instantaneity; I.K.V. Insufferable; H.M.S. Integry; H.M.S. Interrogation; U.S.S. Intrepid NCC-1708; R.I.S. Invenio; R.I.S. Invictus; I.K.V. Invincible; I.K.V. Inviolable; I.K.V. Invisible; I.K.V. Invulnerable; U.S.S. Iowa NCC-1525; H.M.S. Iridium Soul; G.C.S. Iron Fang; G.C.S. Iron Hide; Iron Horse; G.C.S. Iron Will; Iron Wolf; G.C.S. Irongrip; G.C.S. Irontail; Iroquois class; U.S.S. Isandhiwana NCC-1733; U.S.S. Iskandarov; U.S.S. Israel Putnam NCC-533; U.S.S. Jackson NCC-416; Jagged Fang; Jaguar class; Jarckman; U.S.S. Jason NCC-343; Java Tiger class; G.C.S. Jaws; U.S.S. Jellico NCC-306; I.K.F. Jerviz; U.S.S. Jomini NCC-1582; U.S.S. Joseph NCC-418; U.S.S. Judge; Judgment; Judicious Blow; Jungle Carrier; Jungle King; Jungle Mother; Jungle Path; Jungle Stone; Junglecat; G.C.S. Justicar; U.S.S. Justice; H.M.S. Juxirr; I.K.F. K'rang K'ong; U.S.S. Kadesh NCC-1729; I.K.F. Kalday; I.K.F. Vak Kalday; U.S.S. Kali NCC-2154; G.C.S. Kalessin; I.K.V. Kang; Kapish; I.K.F. Kargo; Katana; U.S.S. Kearsarge NCC-1500; I.K.V. Keeper; R.I.S. Keeper; U.S.S. DeForest Kelley; U.S.S. Keppler NCC-3816; U.S.S. Kennedy NCC-870; R.I.S. Kestrel; I.K.V. Ketrick; H.M.S. Khan; H.M.S. Khanate; U.S.S. Khe Son NCC-1739; I.K.V. Khedive; H.M.S. Kherne; H.M.S. Kingship; I.K.V. Kievak; Killer; I.K.V. Killer; Killer Hawk class; R.I.S. Killer Hawk; King Condor class; U.S.S. King David NCC-540; King Eagle class; King Jaguar class; King of Thieves; King Snake class; King's Ransom; U.S.S. Kinshasa NCC-1661; Kirov class; U.S.S. Kirov NCC-1751; I.K.V. Klodode; I.K.V. Klothos; Knight class; U.S.S. Knight Errant NCC-2502; U.S.S. Kongo NCC-1710; U.S.S. Konkordium NCC-2106; I.K.V. Kor; I.K.F. Kormlin; U.S.S. Kortenauer NCC-1527; R.I.S. Kraken; U.S.S. Kravchuk NCC-858; I.K.F. Krash; I.K.F. Doctor Kreuss; U.S.S. Krieger NCC-1726; U.S.S. Kripney NCC-388; I.K.V. Krueger; U.S.S. Kublai NCC-507; I.K.F. Kurman; U.S.S. Kursk NCC-1736; Kzinslayer; R.I.S. Lacerta; G.C.S. Lady of War; U.S.S. Lafayette NCC-1720; Lancer class; U.S.S. Landsbergis NCC-859; R.I.S. Laurus; Lava Carrier; Lava Mother; Lava Path; Lava Stone; Lawbreaker; I.K.V. Lawmaker; U.S.S. Lawman; Leaper; R.I.S. Legendary; R.I.S. Legion; U.S.S. Lehman NCC-310; H.M.S. Lens; U.S.S. Leonidas NCC-538; R.I.S. Leonis; Leopard class; H.M.S. Lepton; R.I.S. Leviathan; U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1703; R.I.S. Licentia; Lich; Lifetaker; I.K.V. Lightning; Lightningclaw; U.S.S. Lincoln NCC-868; Lion class; Lion Hunter class; R.I.S. Lithophyte; U.S.S. Littorio NCC-1513; Living Cage; G.C.S. Lizardicon; G.C.S. Lizardicon Rex; G.C.S. Locked Fang; R.I.S. Locust; U.S.S. London NCC-1655; U.S.S. Longarm; I.K.V. Longbow; U.S.S. Longstreet NCC-401; Lord Admiral class; Lord Bishop class; Lord Cardinal class; Lord Commander class; H.M.S. Lord Commander; H.M.S. Lord Dominion; Lord Marshal class; G.C.S. Lord of Lightning; G.C.S. Lord of the Sky; H.M.S. Lord Pacification; H.M.S. Lord Zealous; U.S.S. Los Angeles NCC-1654; Los Insurgentes; Los Vigilantes; Lost and Found; R.I.S. Loyal Charge; R.I.S. Loyal Hawk; R.I.S. Loyal Spirit; R.I.S. Loyal Warrior; R.I.S. Loyalty; IKF Zakov Lov; R.I.S. Lupus; R.I.S. Lyncis; U.S.S. Lysander NCC-532; M-Eater; R.I.S. Mace; Mafia Don; Mage; H.M.S. Magistrate; H.M.S. Magnificent; U.S.S. Magnum; U.S.S. Mahan NCC-1584; Maimer; H.M.S. Majestic; H.M.S. Majesty; U.S.S. Mali NCC-1592; I.K.V. Malicious; U.S.S. Mallory NCC-332; H.M.S. Mandate; U.S.S. Mandela; H.M.S. Manners; U.S.S. Manstein NCC-407; R.I.S. Mantis; U.S.S. Manuel; Marauder; Marauder class; I.K.V. Marauder; U.S.S. Marcos NCC-860; U.S.S. Marius NCC-539; U.S.S. Mars NCC-2152; H.M.S. Marshall; I.K.V. Massacre; U.S.S. Massoud NCC-831; H.M.S. Master; Master Assassin class; R.I.S. Master of Combat; Master of the Jungle; Master of the Wild; U.S.S. Masterson; G.C.S. Masticator; U.S.S. Matsumo NCC-1800; I.K.V. Mayhem; Mazerbird; U.S.S. McClusky NCC-342; U.S.S. Mecca NCC-1659; R.I.S. Medusa's Gaze; U.S.S. Meko NCC-1533; H.M.S. Melee; U.S.S. Mendoza NCC-1591; U.S.S. Merchant of Venus; I.K.V. Merciless; G.C.S. Mercy Killer; U.S.S. Merrimac NCC-1715; U.S.S. Messier NCC-3830; U.S.S. Michigan NCC-1539; U.S.S. Mikasa NCC-1543; I.K.F. Mikon; U.S.S. Militia; U.S.S. Milwaukee NCC-1662; I.K.F. Mischz; Miranda class; U.S.S. Missouri NCC-1526; U.S.S. Missouri NCC-1810; Mist Demon; Mistress of Pain; U.S.S. Mitterand NCC-857; Mohawk class; U.S.S. Mojadeddi NCC-836; Monarch class; H.M.S. Monarchy; Mongol class; U.S.S. Monitor NCC-1713; R.I.S. Monoceros; R.I.S. Monolithic; R.I.S. Monstrous; U.S.S. Montana NCC-1765; U.S.S. Montgomery NCC-328; U.S.S. Moreno NCC-1522; G.C.S. Mortal Strike; R.I.S. Morte; U.S.S. Mortgage Payment; R.I.S. Mortis; U.S.S. Moscotivitch NCC-1520; R.I.S. Mosquito; U.S.S. Mountie; Mugger; Murderous; I.K.V. Murderous; Mutant; U.S.S. Mutso NCC-1506; U.S.S. Nagato NCC-5017; G.C.S. Naja; U.S.S. Najibullah NCC-834; U.S.S. Naken NCC-1529; U.S.S. Nasrallah; U.S.S. Nebu NCC-2153; U.S.S. Nebuchadnezzar NCC-541; Necromancer; Necronomicon; Needle's Damage; I.K.V. Nemesis; R.I.S. Nemesis; Neuromancer; R.I.S. New Glory; H.M.S. New Hydra; New Jersey class; U.S.S. New Jersey NCC-1755; U.S.S. New Mexico NCC-1524; U.S.S. New York NCC-1652; U.S.S. New Zealand NCC-1753; U.S.S. Newton NCC-3822; R.I.S. Nexum; Nicotinotica; R.I.S. Night of Fire; R.I.S. Nightbird; Nightmare of Orion; R.I.S. Nighttalon; R.I.S. Nightwing; U.S.S. Nixon NCC-856; U.S.S. No Change; No-Dachi; H.M.S. Nobleman; U.S.S. North Carolina NCC; I.K.V. Nova; Nova Hawk class; R.I.S. Nova Hawk; R.I.S. Numinous; R.I.S. Nympha; U.S.S. O'Connor NCC-404; Deth O'Kay; R.I.S. Oathkeeper; I.K.V. Obdurate; I.K.V. Obliterator; U.S.S. Ocalan; Octagon; H.M.S. Officer; U.S.S. Ogarkov NCC-1763; Okinawa class; U.S.S. Okinawa NCC-150; U.S.S. Olympia NCC-1546; One Eyed Jack; G.C.S. One Time; Onerarius; Onerarius IV; Onerarius VI; Onerarius XXXI; Onerarius LXXI; OnerariusDVIII; Onero; Onero VIII; Onero XV; Onero XXIX; Onero MXXIV; Onero MCMXCIX; Onus; Onus XVI; Onus XXVI; Onus DXII; Onus CL; Onus MXMXCIIX; Onustus; Onustus II; Onustus XXXII; Onustus CIV; Onustus CCLVI; Onustus MIM; U.S.S. Oort NCC-3804; Operandi; U.S.S. Orca NCC-1770; R.I.S. Orcus; H.M.S. Order of Earth; H.M.S. Order of Stars; H.M.S. Order of Waves; H.M.S. Orderly; Orion Rage; R.I.S. Oris; U.S.S. Oriskany NCC-1020; Orrible Cannon; U.S.S. Ortega; Osiris; Outlaw class; Overlord class; H.M.S. Overlord Hygax; H.M.S. Overlord Primus; H.M.S. Overlord Hydan; H.M.S. Overlord Hydrus; P'imo; U.S.S. Pacifier; I.K.V. Pain; I.K.V. Painmaster; Paingiver; H.M.S. Palace; Paladin class; U.S.S. Paladin NCC-2501; Palliard; I.K.V. Pandemonium; Pander; U.S.S. Panjsher NCC-1743; Panther class; Passion Flower; I.K.F. Relinko Pasziovik; Patricoe; H.M.S. Patrician; R.I.S. Patrician; U.S.S. Patrol; R.I.S. Pavo; R.I.S. Pax Remus; R.I.S. Pax Romulus; U.S.S. Pazuzu NCC-521; H.M.S. Peacekeeper; U.S.S. Peacemaker; H.M.S. Peer; U.S.S. Pegasus Bay NCC-1595; G.C.S. Perfection; R.I.S. Perilous; U.S.S. Perry NCC-303; H.M.S. Perseverance; U.S.S. Pervenetz NCC-1532; Pestilence; Persuader; Petty Conflict; Phantom; Phantasmal; U.S.S. Pharsallus NCC-1612; U.S.S. Philadelphia NCC-1665; Picklock; Pickpocket; U.S.S. PickEmUp; H.M.S. Pilot; I.K.V. Pillage; U.S.S. Piorun NCC-1547; Pirate's Pleasure; I.K.V. Pitiless; Pit of Knives; I.K.V. Plague; Plains Carrier; Plains Mother; Plains Path; Plains Stone; H.M.S. Plan; Platemail; Plunderer class; I.K.V. Plunder; Plunderer; Plunger; H.M.S. Poignard; R.I.S. Poinard; H.M.S. Policy; U.S.S. Poltava NCC-1746; U.S.S. Pompey NCC-506; U.S.S. Port Moresby NCC-1605; Portorium; Portorium IV; Portorium XL; Portorium LXIV; Portorium MXI; Portorium CXXVIII; U.S.S. Posse; U.S.S. Postage Due; U.S.S. Potemkin NCC-1711; Pouncer; R.I.S. Power Hawk; Power Word; Powerclaw; Powderkeg; U.S.S. Prabhakaran; R.I.S. Praeda; R.I.S. Praeses; Praetor class; R.I.S. Praetor Karzan; R.I.S. Praetor Maximus; R.I.S. Praetor Rolandus; R.I.S. Praetorian; Prancer; I.K.F. Praxis Transport; Predator; G.C.S. Predator; Predator's Pride; G.C.S. Predatoricon; G.C.S. Predicon; U.S.S. Premadasa; Premo; Premo XIX; Premo LXII; Premo LXIV; Premo CXXVIII; Pride's Claw; U.S.S. Prien NCC-472; Prigger; G.C.S. Prince Allurian; G.C.S. Prince Aratok; G.C.S. Princess Bauria; H.M.S. Prince Hadden; H.M.S. Prince Hakkor; R.I.S. Prince Hawk; H.M.S. Prince Hiny; H.M.S. Prince Hrakskit; G.C.S. Princess Ss'ltah; U.S.S. Prinz Eugen NCC-1511; Privateer class; R.I.S. Probe; I.K.V. Procession; R.I.S. Proconsul; R.I.S. Proeliator; R.I.S. Proletarian; H.M.S. Protector; I.K.V. Protector; H.M.S. Protocol; G.C.S. Proven Slayer; Prowes; G.C.S. Prowler; Ptolemy class; U.S.S. Ptolemy NCC-3801; H.M.S. Punctuality; U.S.S. Pundy; I.K.F. Purlivko; I.K.F. Kattic Purlivko; R.I.S. Pyrrhic; G.C.S. Queen of Battle; G.C.S. Queenmother; Querty; Quickie; I.K.V. Quiet Death; I.K.V. Quiet Strike; I.K.F. Quon Transport; I.K.F. Qur Quon Kin; U.S.S. Raan NCC-1812; U.S.S. Rabbani NCC-835; I.K.V. Rabblekiller; I.K.V. Rabbleslayer; I.K.V. Rabid; Rabid Dog; I.K.V. Rabidkiller; I.K.V. Rabidscout; I.K.V. Rabidslayer; U.S.S. Rabin; I.K.V. Racker; Rage (Lyran); Rage (Orion); R.I.S. Rage; I.K.V. Rager; I.K.V. Ragemaker; Ragged Cut; G.C.S. Ragged Rhino; Raging Blood; U.S.S. Rahman NCC-514; I.K.V. Raid; Raider class; I.K.V. Raider; I.K.V. Raidmaker; G.C.S. Rajath; Rake; Raker; U.S.S. Ramadan NCC-1536; U.S.S. Ramilles NCC-1373; U.S.S. Ramius NCC-471; U.S.S. Ramos NCC-864; R.I.S. Rampager; Ranger class; U.S.S. Ranger NCC-2500; I.K.V. Ransacker; Rapier; H.M.S. Rapier; I.K.V. Rapier; R.I.S. Rapier; I.K.V. Ratkiller; I.K.V. Ratslayer; Rattler; I.K.V. Ravagemaker; I.K.V. Ravager; R.I.S. Ravager; I.K.V. Raven; I.K.V. Ravenous; R.I.S. Ravenous; I.K.V. Raver; I.K.V. Raverscout; I.K.V. Ravisher; I.K.V. Razer; Razor Claw; R.I.S. Ready; U.S.S. Reagan NCC-854; Reaper; I.K.V. Reaper; I.K.V. Reaver; I.K.V. Rebellion; Red Claw Glory; Red Claw Sword; R.I.S. Red Glory; Redblade; I.K.V. Redkiller; R.I.S. Redemption; I.K.V. Redslayer; Reduction; I.K.V. Refutor; Regal Hawk class; R.I.S. Regal Hawk; H.M.S. Regent; R.I.S. Reigning Hawk; I.K.V. Relentless; U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1501; I.K.V.Renegade; U.S.S. Renown NCC-1504; U.S.S. Reprisal NCC-1605; G.C.S. Reptilicon; U.S.S. Republic NCC-1371; U.S.S. Repulse NCC-1503; U.S.S. Reshadije NCC-1372; I.K.V. Resilience; H.M.S. Resolution; R.I.S. Retaliation; I.K.V. Retaliator; R.I.S. Retiariis; H.M.S. Retribution; R.I.S. Retribution; I.K.V. Return; I.K.V. Revenge; I.K.V. Revenger; G.C.S. Rex; G.C.S. Rexicon; U.S.S. Reynolds NCC-354; G.C.S. Rhino; Rhino Hunter class; U.S.S. Richelieu NCC-1519; U.S.S. Rickover NCC-330; H.M.S. Rider; Rift Cutter; I.K.V. Rikor; Rimfire; Ripping Fang; U.S.S. Rivadavia NCC-1521; Road Warrior; Roadrunner; G.C.S. Roaricon; Robber; U.S.S. Robert E. Lee NCC-536; U.S.S. Rocroi NCC-1745; U.S.S. Roger Young NCC-389; I.K.V. Rogue; I.K.V. Roguekiller; I.K.V. Rogueslayer; U.S.S. Rommel NCC-336; R.I.S. Romulan Fury; U.S.S. Roosevelt NCC-309; U.S.S. Roosevelt NCC-312; U.S.S. Rossbach NCC-1747; Rowdy; Royal Hawk class; R.I.S. Royal Hawk; H.M.S. Royalty; Ruffler; I.K.V. Ruiner; I.K.V. Ruinmaker; Ruler; H.M.S. Rumbler; H.M.S. Rumbly; Rustler; I.K.V. Ruthless; Rye Catcher; G.C.S. S'sscullars; G.C.S. S'sslathosss; G.C.S. S'ssnissian; G.C.S. S'ssnossis; R.I.S. Sabbatical; U.S.S. Saber NCC-1769; H.M.S. Sabre; R.I.S. Sabre; Sabretooth; U.S.S. Sadat NCC-527; U.S.S. Saddam; U.S.S. Safarov; Safecracker; I.K.V. Safeguard; H.M.S. Safety; Sagacious; U.S.S. Saladin NCC-500; U.S.S. Samurai NCC-2506; H.M.S. Sanctity; Sand Crab; I.K.V. Sangrfroid; Saracen; U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1724; G.C.S. Sardith's Sword; U.S.S. Sargon NCC-504; G.C.S. Saurian; G.C.S. Sauricon; I.K.V. Savage; I.K.V. Savagery; R.I.S. Sanquinarius; G.C.S. Scale; Scalp Hunter; R.I.S. Scepter Hawk; Scepter of the Claw; U.S.S. Scharnhorst NCC-1510; U.S.S. Schwartzkopf NCC-417; Scimitar; R.I.S. Scimitar; R.I.S. Scorpii; U.S.S. Scorpio; Scorpion; G.C.S. Scorpion; G.C.S. Scything Tail; Seahawk class; H.M.S. Security; I.K.V. Seeker; I.K.V. Sefarian; G.C.S. Selach; U.S.S. Sergei NCC-1543; G.C.S. Serpent's Tooth; G.C.S. Serpenticon; G.C.S. Setting of the Twin Suns; R.I.S. Senatarian; R.I.S. Senator; R.I.S. Senatus; I.K.V. Senior Sgt.; U.S.S. Senyavin NCC-347; Seydlitz; I.K.V. Sgt. Kobol; I.K.V. Sgt. Korl; I.K.V. Sgt. Victorious; Shadow; I.K.V. Shadow; U.S.S. Shaitan NCC-519; U.S.S. Shamir NCC-868; Shapeshifter; Sharper; U.S.S. Shaw NCC-349; H.M.S. Sheriff; U.S.S. Shevardnadze NCC-865; I.K.V. Shieldbearer; G.C.S. Shima; R.I.S. Shikra; R.I.S. Shillelah; U.S.S. Shiro; G.C.S. Shock Force; R.I.S. Shrike; shuttlecraft; U.S.S. Sidorov; R.I.S. Siege; U.S.S. Sihanouk NCC-867; I.K.V. Silent Death; I.K.V. Silent Strike; Silver Flyer; R.I.S. Sinvenio; Sioux class; U.S.S. Skanderbeg NCC-529; Skiki; U.S.S. Skorzeny NCC-387; R.I.S. Skua; Skullcrusher; R.I.S. Sky Demon; R.I.S. Skydragon; G.C.S. Skyfire; R.I.S. Skyflame; Skyhawk class; Slammer; R.I.S. Slanderous; Slasher (Lyran); Slasher (Orion); Slaughterer; G.C.S. Slayer of Enemy; I.K.V. Slaymaster; R.I.S. Sling; I.K.V. Slinger; G.C.S. Slither; G.C.S. Slithicon; Slizer; U.S.S.. Small Fries; G.C.S. Smasher; G.C.S. Snarl; Snipe class; R.I.S. Sniper; Snow Leopard class; Solar Sailer; U.S.S. Solidarity NCC-2123; H.M.S. Solitude; Solvo; Solvo VIII; Solvo XII; Solvo XXXII; Solvo CXXI; Solvo CCLVI; Sorcerer; Sorcerer's Power; I.K.V. Sorrowmaker; H.M.S. Soul; Soul of Steel; I.K.V. Soul of Vengeance; I.K.V. Souldemon; Souleater; I.K.V. Soulfire; Soulstealer; Soultaker; I.K.V. Soulwind; I.K.V. Soulwing; R.I.S. Solvanius; H.M.S. Sovereignty; Spaceshell; R.I.S. Sparrow; Sparrowhawk class; R.I.S. Spartan; R.I.S. Species; R.I.S. Specificity; R.I.S. Speedy; G.C.S. Spiller of Warm Blood; G.C.S. Spine; G.C.S. Spinecrusher; H.M.S. Spirit; Spiritcaptor; Split Infinitive; G.C.S. Spur; R.I.S. Spurious; R.I.S. Squalus; Stabber; Stake; Stalker; I.K.F. Stalker; I.K.V. Stalker; R.I.S. Stalwartly; Starclaw; U.S.S. Star League NCC-2101; U.S.S. Star Union NCC-2112; H.M.S. Starguild; R.I.S. Starhawk; R.I.S. Starwing; I.K.V. Stealth; G.C.S. Steel Jaws; R.I.S. Stiletto; G.C.S. Sting; Stinger class; I.K.V. Storm Champion; I.K.V. Storm Chariot; Storm Cheetah; I.K.V. Storm Chieftain; I.K.V. Storm Cry; I.K.V. Storm Demon; I.K.V. Storm Destroyer; I.K.V. Storm Dog; I.K.V. Storm Dragon; I.K.V. Storm Killer; I.K.V. Storm King; I.K.V. Storm Leader; I.K.V. Storm Lord; I.K.V. Storm Slayer; I.K.V. Storm Song; I.K.V. Storm Warrior; I.K.V. Storm Wielder; I.K.V. Storm Wind; I.K.V. Stormcloud; I.K.V. Stormer; I.K.V. Strangler; U.S.S. Strasbourg NCC-1520; H.M.S. Strengthbow; I.K.V. Strike; Striker; G.C.S. Strong Heart; G.C.S. Strongarm; H.M.S. Strongaxe; H.M.S. Strongblade; H.M.S. Strongbow; G.C.S. Stronger Talons; H.M.S. Stronghand; Strongjaw; I.K.V. Stubborn; R.I.S. Subjugator; Summit; R.I.S. Sun Hawk; I.K.V. Suffering; U.S.S. Suffren NCC-346; U.S.S. Sulaco NCC-390; U.S.S. Suleiman NCC-508; U.S.S. Sultan; U.S.S. Summons; U.S.S. Sun Tzu NCC-1581; U.S.S. Suomussalmi NCC-1744; R.I.S. Superator; U.S.S. Suvarov NCC-535; Sunglider; U.S.S. Sverdlov NCC-1541; Swagman; I.K.V. Swatter; R.I.S. Swooping Death; R.I.S. Sword; Swordfall; I.K.V. Swordmaster; G.C.S. Szkor; G.C.S. Szurra; G.C.S. Szurrazan; U.S.S. Tacitus NCC-1583; R.I.S. Marcus Tacitus; Tagger; G.C.S. Tail of Spikes; U.S.S. Talabani; G.C.S. Talon; R.I.S. Talon; G.C.S. Talons of Glory; U.S.S. Tamerlane NCC-510; U.S.S. Tanabe NCC-473; U.S.S. Tanaka NCC-319; U.S.S. Tangiers NCC-1590; Tanker; U.S.S. Tannenberg NCC-1735; G.C.S. Tannin; R.I.S. Tarus; Tartar class; H.M.S. Taskmaster; U.S.S. Taylor; H.M.S. Technetium; U.S.S. Tegethoff NCC-314; Temporal Fall; Temptress of Sin; G.C.S. Tenacious; H.M.S. Tenacity; I.K.V. Tenacity; R.I.S. Tenacity; Terminator; G.C.S. Terrible Hand; I.K.V. Terror; I.K.V. Terrorist; H.M.S. Testament; U.S.S. Texas Ranger; U.S.S. Thatcher NCC-855; G.C.S. Thecos; U.S.S. Thermopolae NCC-1730; G.C.S. Thorn; Thought Taker; H.M.S. Thundation; G.C.S. Thunderbeast; R.I.S. Thunderbird; H.M.S. Thunderblow; Thunderbolt; G.C.S. Thunderbolt; I.K.V. Thunderbolt; H.M.S. Thundercall; Thundercat; G.C.S. Thunderchild; H.M.S. Thunderchild; I.K.V. Thunderchild; H.M.S. Thunderclap; Thunderclaw; Thunderduck; H.M.S. Thunderer; I.K.V. Thunderer; Thunderfang; G.C.S. Thunderfoot; I.K.V. Thundermaker; R.I.S. Thundermaker; H.M.S. Thunderous; G.C.S. Thundersnake; H.M.S. Thunderson; H.M.S. Thunderspace; I.K.V. Thunderstorm; U.S.S. Thurmost III NCC-537; Tiger class; Timberwolf; U.S.S. Title Inside; U.S.S. Togo NCC-334; U.S.S. Tokyo NCC-1656; I.K.F. Tomak Vilkov; U.S.S. Tongogara; G.C.S. Tooth; G.C.S. Torch of Conquest; U.S.S. Tori NCC-1725; H.M.S. Torment; R.I.S. Tormentor; H.M.S. Torture; Torturer; Touch of Gold; G.C.S. Track of Heavy Foot; Tragic Course; H.M.S. Trampler; R.I.S. Tranchet; I.K.F. Transport; Traveler class; R.I.S. Treachery; Trenchoxica; I.K.V. Trepidation; S.S. Tribbles Forever; R.I.S. Tribune; G.C.S. Tricericon; Triumph; R.I.S. Triumph; R.I.S. Triumph of Remus; R.I.S. Triumph of Romulus; R.I.S. Triumver; R.I.S. Triumvirate; U.S.S. Trooper; I.K.V. Troublemaker; True Sight; Truespirit; R.I.S. Truly; R.I.S. Truncheon; I.K.F. Truncy; U.S.S. Trust No One; I.K.V. Trustworthy; R.I.S. Trusty; Truthdealer; U.S.S. Tudjman NCC-803; U.S.S. Turabi; I.K.V. Turbulent; G.C.S. Tusk; Twilight; R.I.S. Two Moons; G.C.S. Tyranicon; G.C.S. Tyranicon Rex; U.S.S. Tyrant NCC-2252; G.C.S. Tyrex; U.S.S. Udzha NCC-1593; H.M.S. Uhla; G.C.S. Ultimate Wrath; Ulysses class; Unbeliever; I.K.V. Unbreakable; I.K.V. Undaunted; Unfriendly; U.S.S. Unification NCC-2122; G.C.S. Unity; U.S.S. Unity NCC-2127; Uprightman; I.K.V. Urgency; R.I.S. Urgent Fury; R.I.S. Ursus; U.S.S. Ushakov NCC-325; Utmost; H.M.S. Vainglory; I.K.F. Vakoc; I.K.F. Truncy Vakoc; H.M.S. Valiant; U.S.S. Valiant NCC-1709; I.K.V. Valorian; H.M.S. Valorous; I.K.V. Vandal; U.S.S. Vanguard NCC-1536; G.C.S. Vanquish Evil; G.C.S. Vanquish Invader; H.M.S. Vantage; H.M.S. Vapori; H.M.S. Variance; H.M.S. Varlet; RIS Varrix; U.S.S. Varyag NCC-1542; H.M.S. Vaunt; H.M.S. Vector; Vectura; Vectura VII; Vectura IX; Vectura XVI; Vectura XVII; Vectura DXII; H.M.S. Vehement; H.M.S. Vendetta; H.M.S. Vengeance; I.K.V. Vengeance; I.K.V. Vengeful; I.K.V. Venom; U.S.S. Venture NCC-1537; H.M.S. Verisimilitude; Vertex; RIS Vesuvius; Vicious; I.K.V. Vicious; RIS Victor; Victorious; I.K.V. Victory; U.S.S. Victory NCC-1535; I.K.V. Vigilance; G.C.S. Vigorous; I.K.V. Viking; I.K.F. Vilkov; U.S.S. Villalobos; U.S.S. Villeneuve NCC-329; U.S.S. Vincennes NCC-1749; U.S.S. Vincent NCC-320; RIS Vindex; U.S.S. Vindicator NCC-1531; I.K.V. Violation; H.M.S. Violent Mist; G.C.S. Vipericon; G.C.S. Vipericon Rex; U.S.S. Virgil NCC-1532; I.K.V. Virulent; U.S.S. Vision NCC-1530; H.M.S. Vizier; H.M.S. Void Rider; RIS Volantis; I.K.V. Volcano; H.M.S. Voracious; I.K.V. Voracious; H.M.S. Vorlans; U.S.S. Vosper NCC-1534; Voulge; Vulgar; RIS Vulpes; U.S.S. Vulture NCC-1602; I.K.V. Walkurian; I.K.V. War; I.K.V. War Angel; I.K.V. War Champion; I.K.V. War Chant; I.K.V. War Chariot; I.K.V. War Chieftain; I.K.V. War Cry; I.K.V. War Demon; I.K.V. War Destroyer; I.K.V. War Dog; I.K.V. War Dragon; War Eagle class; I.K.V. War Hound; I.K.V. War Killer; I.K.V. War King; I.K.V. War Leader; I.K.V. War Lord; I.K.V. War Lust; I.K.V. War Slayer; I.K.V. War Soldier; I.K.V. War Song; I.K.V. War Storm; I.K.V. War Sword; I.K.V. War Wielder; I.K.V. War Wind; Warbird class; R.I.S. Warbird; Warbride; G.C.S. Wargod; I.K.V. Warhammer; Warrior class; U.S.S. Warspite NCC-1548; I.K.V. Warstalker; H.M.S. Waterguild; R.I.S. Wasp; U.S.S. Wasp NCC-1721; Watcher; U.S.S. Watson; U.S.S. Webber NCC-1587; H.M.S. Wehalk; G.C.S. Whiplash; G.C.S. Whiptail; Whisker; R.I.S. White Feather; R.I.S. White Hawk; G.C.S. White Rhino; Whitefire; I.K.V. Widowmaker; G.C.S. Wing; Wild Carrier; Wild Hearts; Wild King; Wild Mother; Wild Path; Wild Stone; Wildcat class; R.I.S. Wildfire; Wizard; U.S.S. Wolf NCC-3834; R.I.S. Word of Honor; H.M.S. Wraith; G.C.S. Wrathful Judge; G.C.S. Wyrm; G.C.S. Wyrmicon; G.C.S. Wyvericon; H.M.S. Xanthate; U.S.S. Xerxes NCC-505; Yamato class; U.S.S. Yellowknife NCC-1666; U.S.S. Yeltsin NCC-852; G.C.S. Yevaud; U.S.S. Yi-Chun NCC-406; U.S.S. Yorktown NCC-1704; H.M.S. Yssiss; Zadika; U.S.S. Zamora; Zealous; H.M.S. Zenith; U.S.S. Zhadanov NCC-321; U.S.S. Zoroaster NCC-524; Zul's Annuity
Xenology Andorians; Antarian mankillers; Deltans; Denebian slime devils; Dunkar; Gorn; hanyurii; Humans; Hydrans; Ikyrianns; Iturahama; Klingons; Lyrans; Organians; Orions; Prahistaa; Romulans; Scovions; Skorr; targs; Tellarites; Terrans (Mirror); tribbles; Vulcans; Yantani; Zolati
Miscellaneous bridge; cargo bay; chief engineer; chief of security; chief science officer; commanding officer; corbomite; Gorn eggs; helmsman; Jones Corporation; Romulan brain plague; shuttlebay; torture; Traveler's Death


Lead Programmer
Marc Hertogh

Senior Technical Lead
Michael Donovan Mandap

Networking Programmer
Tung Mei "Rita" Liu

Interface Programmers
Stephen Roney, Tung Mei "Rita" Liu

Sound Programmer
Otmar Schlunk

Game Design
Marc Hertogh, Tom Hughes

Additional Design
Otmar Schlunk, Gary Graeper, William Fisher

SFB Consultant
Tom Hughes

Engine Programmers
George Shackelford, Rob Barris, Greg Marsters

Special Tools
Brian MacDonald

Technical Writer
Nancy Berman

Animated Quicksilver Logo
Rantz A. Hoseley

Quicksilver Web Site
Debra Hilton

Technical Consultant
David Steffen

Production Assistant
Sarah McKinley Oakes

Star Trek Consultant
Ralph Miller

Gary Graeper

William Fisher




Lead Designer
Erik Bethke

Senior Designer
Chris Taylor

Art Director
Scott Bieser

Lead Artist
Adam Rote

AI Programming
Zachary Drummond

Scripting Engine
Dave Boulanger

Special Effects
Sean Dumas

Mission Scripting
Lance Watanabe

Campaign Mission Design
Scott Bennie Senior Artist
David Potter

Michael Blumenthol, Tim Kuder, Marc Bergo, Kelly Wine, Mike McCarthy, "3", Mike Harris

3–D Ship Models
Perry Scalf, Regalado Christopher, Salazar Manuel, Arlene Somers

Patrick D'Arcy

Press Manager
Heather McLaughlin

Marketing Manager
Debbie Howell

Traffic Manager
Paul Naftalis

Line Producer
Warren Schultz

Erik Bethke

Division Director
Brian Christian

Executive Producer
Trish Wright

Brian Fargo




Lead Sound Designer
Adam Levenson

Sound Design
Tim Walston (EFX), Charles Deenen, Shannon Mills, Jeff Witchers (EFX)

Mastering by
Craig Duman

Voice Editing by
Stephen Miller

VO Direction/Supervision
Chris Borders

VO Talent
George Takei, Kevin Michael Richardson, Michael Bell, Wayne Grace

'Music by
Ron Jones Productions

Music Supervision
Sean Dumas, Rick Jackson

Audio Administrator
Gloria Soto

Re–Recording Mixer & Audio Director
Charles Deenen

Video Services
Dan Williams, Dave Cravens, Bill Stoudt




Jeremy S. Barnes

Vice Admiral
Mikey "Ghibli" Motoda

Rear Admiral
Greg "Moose" Baumeister

Monica Vallejo

David "Tiberius" Simon

Chief Steward
Dubs Communications Officer
Larry "EQHura" Smith

Danny "Sancho" Martinez

Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Charlie "Bones" Gale

Science Officer
Gary "Home Brew" Tesdall

Weapons Officer
Rafael "Tribble Trainer" Lopez

Green Orion Animal Woman
Shanna Takayama

Chief Engineer
Darrel "I Don't Care" Jones

Cory "Faerl" Nelson, Jeremy "RayZor" Ray, Doug "Thor" Finch

Lieutenants, Junior Grade
Ed Hyland, Rob "Sassypants" Giampa, Amy "Schlamma" Presnell

John "Psy" Kirkland, Kevin "Daulton" Osburn, Jay "Pancake" Nielsen, Asher "Tattoo" Luisi, John "Diablo" Palmero, Eric "Dev Button" Chung, Dan "The Humongous" Levin, Ed "Berserker" Kang, Ishmael "Ishtar" Quijano, Tony "Wardog" Piccoli, GJ "Mofs" Ramirez, Tim "Cthulhu" Anderson, Harold "Dragonball" Kim, Mark "Noodles" Holtzclaw, Amy Avery, Sean "Darkman" Johnson, Brad "Bushwhacker" Dutton

John Parker, David Parkyn, Derek Gibbs, Josh Walters




Philo Northrup

Art Director
Mark Giambruno

Liz Stuart

Lead Artist
Richard Fong

Modeling, Mapping, Design
Leila Noorani

Modeling, Mapping
Johannes Huber

Mapping, Design
Cody Chancellor

Luis Castro

Johnny Harrup

Modeling, Mapping
Eric Ronay




Director, Interactive Product Development
Juliet Dutton Manager, Interactive Product Development
Harry Lang Box Cover Art Direction
Dan Curry Box Cover Art
Brandon MacDougall




Star Fleet Battles Game Design
Stephen V. Cole, PE Star Fleet Battles Executive Developer
Steven P. Petrick




Lyran Creator
Jim Curtis

Hydran Creator
Andrew Robinson




Internet Gaming Consultant
Joshua “Jinxx” Morris

Mplayer Software Engineer
Edmond L. Meinfelder III

Content Engineer
Rich Rice

Service Engineer
Adam Schricker



Beth Wershba – Editor, The SFC Beta Testers: Bradley Barr, Mark Mean, YnrohKeeg, Matt Reynolds, Geoff Conn, Brian Downer, Jim Pierce, Jason Bowman, Merlin, Chris Goff, Lee Contini, Russ Khater, Fletch, Bradley B Upson II, Bill Moore, Andrew Harding, Commodore Rook, John Kim, And to all the other beta testers and posters on the Starfleet Command forum

In memory of DeForest Kelley & Robert Berzins